1. power dynamics
2. how easily you can be replaced within their relationship carousel
3. posturing dynamics in front of others
4. how well you treated them in the past

Or is it more of a reflection of their characters period?

  1. I’m curious where you got this specific list! I think someone who admits to thinking about most of these on the surface level (consciously) during interactions would come off as cold or even hostile or manipulative, though. Of course people behave based on their characters as well as their evaluations of the other person.

  2. Nice list. You might also want to add on situational factors. We tend to forget about this one cuz of the fundamental attribution error.

    It seems like you’re asking if individual traits or shared traits are a bigger factor, which I don’t get.

  3. Compatibility is the most important factor. If you don’t enjoy being with someone, you’ll treat them a lot worse than if you did.

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