I (21F) work at a Boy Scout summer day camp. The property I work on has another camp with overnight stay. I get to interact with the other camp staff their pretty regularly. At the end of the first week I met (24M) Michael who also happens to be the Camp Director for the night camp. He was very sweet when he approached me, recognizing someone told him his boss is my cousin. He said if I had any issues with the staff just to tell him. The day after meeting him he sent a Facebook friend request.

Our next interaction was the next week. I had texted my boss if she would like me to pick up her breakfast. When I got to work with the breakfast I realized that they had given me extra. I offered it to the table and Michael accepted. He said he’d only have one of the breakfast sandwiches and ate the whole thing. We talked at breakfast and discovered that both of us were Residential Assistants (RAs) at our schools. We talked about that a lot.

Later that week Michael showed up to my camps pool time. I was sitting playing with a Rubik’s cube when he sat on the bench next to me. I have a camp nickname everyone calls me and he started teasing me if it was my real name. I said “no, it’s Katharine. But I bet you can’t guess how it’s spelled”. He tried for like five minutes and couldn’t get it. Then he said what he really came over about and it was to ask about an incident with one of the campers the previous day. I told him my story of what happened. He started bringing up my cousin and I can’t remember what he said but I replied “I’m more fun than her” he agreed with me and I continued “also I am not afraid of the outdoors” and he laughed because if you knew my cousin you’d also wonder how she works for the Boy Scouts when she is afraid of being outside. As he walked away I he said “you also have prettier eyes than your cousin”. That was the moment I had started crushing on him.

I told my best friend at camp Raven that I liked him. She said she really didn’t see it. A day went by and the next morning Michael sat across from me at breakfast. Raven later came to me that day and said “I think he likes you after seeing y’all at breakfast”. For a few days at meals he would sit across from me and flirt a little bit.

Somewhere in there at one of the breakfasts I had mentioned to Raven about going on a date and not waiting to go. Michael chimed in and said “just don’t go”. I explained that it was with a friend of my dads son and that I didn’t feel like canceling was right given the circumstances. The next week Raven asked me in front of Michael how it went. I said I wouldn’t go out with him again and that we didn’t have much in common. Michael kept to himself during that conversation but he definitely was still listening in.

One Friday I came back to work in the evening to drop some stuff off and I planned to meet Raven their to go out. I stopped by to say hi to the overnight camp staff and while I was waiting on Raven some of my other friends went to go work the climbing tower. I had time to kill so I went along. I was asking what I could do to help out and Michael started training me to put harnesses on the kids, it the middle of him showing me he changed his mind and said he wanted me to be back up belay instead. I got to assist him all night and I never ended up going out with raven. At one point Michael left to go get us body armor (the drink). He threw it to me and said if a caught it I’d have to climb, I did caught it but I really didn’t want to climb. There was a point towards the end of the night at the climbing tower where we weren’t needed so we sat on the benches and talked about what I wanted to do with my degree and where I’d live after college.

This past week I camped because I happened to be covering for someone at his camp. About halfway through the week he had stopped sitting near me and flirting was rare. For context this was a pretty stressful week while he was closing down camp and I still have a week left of mine. Sometime during the week Raven and I were working on making my door decs for school and I said let’s make Michael one so we did. I gave it to him a few days later in his office, I tried to leave quick but he stopped me and asked how I made them look so good. I said I was pretty artistic and he told me about what he made as an RA. Last night was my last night around him and I waited for him to give me his number or something. I didn’t get to say goodbye. I also don’t want to give myself false him and think maybe he’ll reach out over Facebook messager. I am wondering if I should reach out during training week for RAs and ask what his best programs were because I need ideas. What do you think? Did or does he like me? Should I reach out? Did I read anything wrong?

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