My fiancé and I will be married next year. He’s my best friend, and truly we are made for each other. He’s everything I could ever have wanted in a partner and I love him immensely. I’ve been feeling super anxious about our wedding next year- it feels like an enormous step in our relationship (we have been together for 5 years). Any and all words of encouragement or relating is welcome- I feel judgemental about my anxiety when this is apparently supposed to be the happiest time. I just feel so overwhelmed about the wedding itself. Is that normal?

  1. Anxiety is normal. I had my wedding a month ago.
    I usually calmed myself with the thought that the wedding would happen, whether we got everything in order or not.
    If the relationship with your families is good, get their help and input on planning. Don’t be afraid to lean on them for support. Get them to collaborate without your input.
    Get your rings (if you’re getting them) at the normal temperature for your location. I’m happy we didn’t wait to get ours until the heatwave, bcs fingers can swell up massively.
    If your living together already, your life will go on as before. A wedding is beautiful and wonderful, but it’s on a way just a point in the calendar. You shouldn’t stress yourself into problems over it.

    And congratulations!

  2. It’s absolutely normal to be anxious before making a big life change before getting married. Honestly I don’t think many people are so happy planning a wedding. You are NOT supposed to feel like its the happiest time of your life, you’re supposed to feel whatever you feel. When it come down it it you will honestly go through every thought on whether this is the right decision. I was so over my wedding by the time it happened I just went through it thinking I can’t wait for the day to end because I need a nap. I wasn’t the only one thinking this. Society made us believe weddings were the best and happiest things ever but they come with stress and anxiety too. Feel your feelings. Validate them. 😊

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