My relationship with my ex girlfriend came to an abrupt end recently. It had been a long time coming, but I don’t think either of us expected things to end so quickly.

I have reached out to her via text and had considered going to her home to extend an olive branch and speak to her in person, but work and other personal matters conflicted with this.

I’m heading back to my city tomorrow, and I wasn’t sure if trying the in person method was appropriate. Any advice as to whether this would be okay or if boundaries would be crossed is appreciated. I’m looking forward to starting fresh in this new phase of my life and would like to properly close this one, for her sake.

  1. It’s not clear if your ex has expressed a desire for closure/a meeting/an explanation/anything. If your goal is to meet her needs or help her with the breakup, I think the course of action is to do whatever she is asking (provided that feels reasonable and respectful and productive to you.) Definitely do not go to her house at this point without being asked or clearing it with her.

    Regardless of why/how it ended, I also wouldn’t focus so much on “offering closure” or “extending an olive branch” or “properly closing this for her sake”. What she will receive as closure/peace/proper/helpful is totally unique to her and situation and you aren’t really positioned to guess and provide that to her. Ultimately her feeling better/okay with it will be up to her, not you or what you do. Trying to manage her feelings about it all will probably backfire for one or both of you.

  2. You broke up. Why do you think that you need to give her “closure”?

  3. Are you sure it’s not you who needs the in-person closure? It doesn’t sound like she’s reached out at all. How do you know she needs closure?

  4. How do you keep showing up on my home page 😂😩
    We’re obviously in all the same subs here lol. Why don’t you explain the situation here instead of making the vaguest post alive. Most people didn’t say you needed closure, they said you needed to *apologize* to her.

    It’s clearly over when you lied to her about your “best friend” aka your ex staying at your house for a week, ghosting her during that time and within a day of all that happening, you’ve already drove to see him to hook up. Guessing that’s why you’re not in “your city.”

    Man, grow a pair and send her an apology. Maybe an apology for lying to her, maybe an apology for disrespecting the boundaries of the relationship, or maybe an apology for even entering the relationship since she was a placeholder for the man you’re actually in love with. You made her seem like she had nothing to worry about and he was just your “best friend” and look how it turned out for her.

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