Hi I am 20M. I have social anxiety especially talking to the opposite gender but trying to overcome it. I texted 2persons-girls(not at the same time). I never got reply from the first person and the second person always take time to reply. I don’t know what I did wrong. I feel like i Shouldn’t have tried. Is it better than not texting (or talking) to them or not? And what should I do in dis kind of situation? Any advice?

Edit: also is it just me or everyone has gone through this kind of situation

  1. you did well making the effort and trying! maybe you did nothing wrong and they’re just not interested in having a conversation (at least the first person)- and that’s ok! forced conversations are the worst and would make you feel bad too. i would keep talking to the second person, maybe she’s just not on her phone all the time. but if you can tell it’s because she’s not interested either, you shouldn’t waste your time

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