My inner labia hangs down, and I don’t have enough money for Labiaplasty…anyone else have big labia? I feel so ugly down there…

  1. Every vagina is unique and beautiful in their own way. It was the labia you were given, so just like the rest of your body, you should (learn to) love and accept it in all its glory 💜

  2. My inner labia also peek out and are longer than my outer ones. I have a completely normal vulva and so do you.

  3. Please don’t do it. I can’t speak for all men but big labias are not a turn off. If anything it gives you something more to play with

  4. There are lots of guys who love long labias! I personally love them especially during oral. There’s a whole Subreddit dedicated to it.

  5. It’s definitely a personal preference thing but to me and many other people size/shape/color of labia 1. doesn’t matter or 2. larger/longer labia are seen as beautiful/sexy. Try and keep your head up! I’m sure you’re beautiful 🙂

  6. Do not get surgery unless you cant perform daily tasks without it being annoying (sport, sitting…) and even then id advise against it. As for the cosmetics part, I promise you the likelyhood of you finding a guy that bothers about it is low, take the risk.

  7. I didn’t even know the sub existed, i’ve checked and there is one for it. But if there’s one thing i know is: there’s people for everything, and trust me, big labias aren’t a problem for the most of them. I, personnally, love it :p it’s fun to go down on a women with big labia cuz you can play with it with your tongue. So ye, advantages :p

  8. Seek out sex positive spaces online where you can see other long labia and develop a greater sense of the incredible variety that exists! I totally felt like a freak of nature for having asymmetrical labia until I looked at probably hundreds of them and discovered it’s all normal & they all have beauty! I hope you can one day appreciate yours. Maybe sit infront of a mirror and massage yourself now and then… Just be willing to approach with love & curiosity instead of judgement. It may take practice but it’s a start.

  9. You may feel unusual but you really aren’t. Unless it is causing you physical problems I would encourage you to try to come to terms with it. Plastic surgery like that can go wrong, the outcome can cause problems that you don’t have right now. Most surgery done by responsible surgeons is done on a necessity basis. That’s not to say that mental health issues aren’t valid reasons for surgery but you should sign up for counseling before you go ahead to make sure it’s what you really want to do. Once done, it can’t be undone. Your labia are there to protect your vagina and other inner organs.

    Would you prefer to undergo the procedure using local anesthesia or general anesthesia? If you couldn’t face it under a local then I would suggest you think about undergoing it with a general. Sometimes, not often, they go wrong.

    Is it just your own self-consciousness that is driving your thoughts about the issue or have you had anyone else made comments about it? Have you ever been naked in front of someone else and had anyone say anything negative about it? There is a lot of ignorance about the subject, especially amongst men.

    [Labia Library](

    [Vulva Gallery | Betty Dodson & Carlin Ross](

    There’s a really old Betty Dodson video of a group of women examining and discussing their vulvas. I couldn’t find it on her own website, only on XHamster and I don’t want to link to that. You can find it by searching for “V la Vulva”.

  10. No one is satisfied with everything. People want bigger tits , smaller tits . Bigger dicks, smaller dicks, long lips, short lips , and the list goes on and on. We have what we were born with so embrace what you have. Personally I like em long and suckable. The silhouette of labia is one of the sexiest things I have ever seen.

  11. Sounds pretty normal to me, they are all different and sure some guys will have a preference but people have preferences about everything. Personally yours sounds like my preference.

  12. I generally get these women to grind them on my junk or I go down on them. They are attached to who ever I fall for but I kind of have a thing for them. If you get wet for a guy and he is sensory, you can get attention.

  13. Nooo noo no

    Don’t put yourself down like that !!!
    I bet if it was in front of me I would totally disagree and want it.

    Why don’t you get sone jewelry
    Get it pierced and make it your own design
    I did !!!my cock is pretty freaking cool looking I gotta say

    So work with what you got and enjoy it
    No one is perfect that’s what makes us unique
    I do not think perfect ppl are attractive
    Flaws are what makes ppl different and attractive to me . I’m a bodybuilder but when I see a girl that has a little weight on her and she’s wearing some short shorts and working with what she’s got that sexy to me . That’s just an example but I can acid tell you as a guy that I do not look for perfection in a genital so do not beat yourself up at all

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