Men who do not share a bedroom with anyone, how clean do you keep it?

  1. Immaculate. It’s where the basis of all of my self control and control of my life begins.

    Make my bed every morning.

    Dust and vacuum once a week minimum.

    Clothes go in a specific place and get washed regularly, folded and put in drawers immediately after.

    Everything has a place. And every place has a purpose.

    It’s the first environment I see when I wake up, and the last environment I see when I go to bed.

  2. As clean as possible. First, I hate a mess. Second, what if you have an unanticipated guest?

  3. It’s pretty clean/empty aside from one thing. My bad habit is that I don’t really use a dresser. When my laundry comes out of the dryer, I just dump it in a pile in the corner and as the week goes on I just take my clothes from the pile (my dirty laundry goes in an actual hamper, i don’t mix it in with the clean stuff).

    My closet doors (bifold style doors) are always open because my cat always insists on pulling them completely open, so I’ve simply given up on trying to keep them closed.

  4. Shamefully dirty. I don’t clean the floors, sink, or shower enough.

    Toilet is cleaned daily though. As far as I’m concered, toilet is clean, sink works, there is soap and a clean towel. The rest is set dressing.

  5. I don’t date anymore. I still keep it clean though. vacuum, dust, bedding once a week. The only thing I’m a little bit lacks about is put in laundry away. That’s because I’m handicapped and have a hard time getting around. it’s just easier having 2 baskets next to the bed.

  6. If you went into my room and I asked you whether I had carpets or tile, you’d have to guess.

  7. It gets extremely clean whenever anyone is going to see it. Girl or just a guest in my place. Otherwise, it’s a total mess.

  8. Clean, no greasy towels, no soap, no flossing, no residue.

    My wife has always insisted that I clean the bathroom, and we do it for the entire house. I use my bathroom floors so as not to disrupt her routine.

    And we also clean each other’s windows, and our toilets are not heated.

  9. I’ve always been super clean, especially in the bedroom.

    Dates always expressed that they were happy I didn’t need to plow them on top of dirty laundry.

  10. I keep my place mostly clean. Some dust will hang around, clothes will sometimes lay on some chairs, and I usually have crushed water bottles sitting on a counter that I should toss into my recycling bag.

  11. Sometimes there’s a small pile of laundry next to the hamper that didn’t quite make it in, but that’s about it. I vacuum, dust, and wash the sheets/blankets every other week.

    Other than sleeping and getting dressed/undressed, I don’t really spend much time in there.

  12. Oh bring your own hazmat suit these days. You keep it clean by dating and horrifying your dates. Eventually your sex drive kicks in again.

  13. I keep my room cleeeaaaaaaan! I hate messes, idk why but they just bug me. And when people see my room, they’re like “wow, construction guys are clean?! lol

  14. Its fairly clean.

    Everything is folded/hung up. Nothing on the floor. Sheets are changed probably once a week. I don’t make my bed when I 1st wake up but it normally gets made after breakfast.

    I could definitely dust and vacuum more. I don’t do anything in my bedroom. Like no food or drink except water, I don’t hang out in there, I don’t even nap in there(I do that on my couch). I sleep for the night and change. So I forget to dust and vacuum.

  15. Mine is a 7/10 at the moment. I’ve got some windows and flooring stored in there until I get those project done. I pick up my clothes and vacuum. I’m less tolerant of a mess in that room than anywhere else in the house.

  16. As clean as my level of energy allows me at the moment. Recently it’s been less clean than I usually keep things, but things are starting to slow down a bit so that’s gonna change a little. I like to keep things clean, but I don’t need it to feel comfortable.

  17. I don’t have the time to clean it during the week, but it’s spotless on weekends.

  18. Before I got married I always treated my bedroom like the love of my life could walk in any day. I remember some of my dates would just jump on my bed and smell my sheets. Maybe it a latino thing, but I could never stand to have a dirty house, much less a dirty bedroom. The only women who had a cleaner room than me were Latinas and Polish women. I don’t know what it is about Polish women, but their house keeping is immaculate.

  19. Since i was 12 i kept it immaculate. Not to say i shared a room before then i was just an 11 year old boy before then. Everything has it’s place, my closet is sorted by season, colour and style. (In that order). My bed was made every morning, none of my clothes (that weren’t hung up) stuck out of the drawers. Nothing was ever out of place. Same way now in my own house

  20. There is not much in it other than the bed and the laundry basket. Vacuum the floor every other week or so and change the sheets when I do laundry every month or whatever.

  21. Waaay better than my sister I’ll tell you that

    Vacuum it each weekend, make the bed every day after lunch, keep the closet in order with each section named, only 1 glass and only if i’m there to drink from it, a bag special for trash that get’s emptied every week.

  22. I tend to do a complete clean every month or two. It’s never hugely dirty, but clothes will likely be on the floor and the bed will not be made except for the time of the complete clean and a few days after. Usually my complete clean takes two hours or so, which I imagine means it’s not too bad, but bad enough I’m not proud of it.

  23. It’s a lot easier without someone else in it. I just roll of the bed, and pull the sheets, and blanket up. I don’t have to remake the damn bed everyday. That’s one thing that gets to me when a woman stays over. They have to move everything on the bed.

  24. Immaculate. Cleaner than most single women I’ve dated.

    Everything has a place, things are returned to that place. Vacuum twice a week, dust at least once a week. Nothing left out.

    Clean up period right before bed to put up anything left out, toilet cleaned with bleach mixture, etc.

    I cannot stand things to be out of place, it’s a pet peeves.

  25. I simply don’t give a shit. It’s where I sleep. It has pillows and a blanket on the bed, that’s good enough for me.

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