People usually bore especially people from my age range. They are so obssesed with social media and ego boosting and that’s not for me. I am not even intrested in things that are boomer related but more meaningful conversations and moat college aged are not into that. In my freshman year i made couple of “friends” but now i grew to dislike them even more because most of then are flawed in some way and the whole group just grew lame with a lot of drama. Staying a lone with no friends seems to be a better solution but it’s only temporary since i sometimes crave the need for socializing with people.

1 comment
  1. Find a different crowd that doesn’t bore you. I’m sure there are places where you’ll feel challenged, perhaps even stupid, and that’s where you’ll find growth and inspiration. Try events at your local library, literary or philosophical cafés or societies that speak to you. Take a course, join a club, attend a lecture or a discussion night. There’s lots of opportunities outside of your comfort zone. You’ll just have to Google them.

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