i (f16) went on a horrible date sunday. it all started out last week when HE asked me out to a chill dine-in area. i didn’t have feelings for him at the time but we hung out and i was getting a little bit of feelings.

we never texted or talked at all only “good morning” once a day. no convos nothing. this threw me off cause most of the time when ur young ur always texting and online. but never him texting me. and i would always start the convos.

he works at the same mcdonald’s as me. (we met before working together. but became closer friends after sharing a job) and he worked with my other friend who’s close with him. and he said he said nothing about me or anything. so he’s not talking to his buddy’s with me

so at the date it’s just awkward small talk. focusing most of our conversations on our workplace. we seem to have nothing in common. we didn’t know how to talk at all. and he paid for mine. but said he only did cause i paid for his blizzard. which i don’t mind. after supper we sat at an outside picnic table and talked a little more. i invited him over and we sat on my bed playing with my cats and watching the lego movie. it was awkward asf like i tried holding his hand and he moved away? i don’t think he likes me. but why would he invite me out on a date?

TL;DR went on a bad date, no convo nothing alike, tried to hold hands but he moved away from it.

any advice cause i’d like things not to be awkward ?

1 comment
  1. My only advice would’ve been to not go out with someone you work with in the first place. Especially if they’ve barely shown any sign of interest.

    The damage is done now though… It’ll be awkward, you just have to accept it until enough time passes to the point where neither of you care anymore.

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