I just back from a schoolmates gathering and I saw few are getting much overweighted. I think this time I saw over 13 out of 40. But last time (10 years ago) was not more than 4. People who we generally know to be fat are not considered fat any more.

But those who were normal is getting obese, from seeing a belly bouncing up to the worst …..the best description would be like saying a pile of melting cheese when one was sitting on the chair.

Are people of these days getting fatter? What’s happening today? IDK since my job is mainly manual/labour intensive and so my BMI is always in the normal range.

  1. I don’t know where you live, but in my country it is relatively normal for people to put on weight as they get older.

    It’s not ideal, but it’s not unexpected. Your metabolism slows down and some of us get desk jobs and become more sedentary.

  2. Yea, seems like 75% or more of anyone my age is completely overweight.

    Blame fast food, lack of exercise and complacency. I lift 6-7 days a week and eat properly and it seems im the odd ball to my peers and friends.

  3. In the USA they are.

    It is projected that by 2030 30% of US adults will be overweight

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