Is it too much to ask for. I’ve repeatedly told him that I’d like to be touched down there and he never has. I asked him once if he thinks it’s gross but he said no way. He’s shy and so am I so we don’t talk a lot about it.

I think I’ll break up sometime soon.

  1. Yeah it’s reasonable to break up over this. He’s not reciprocating or offering you any pleasure whatsoever even after being asked many times. Life is too short to waste on guys like this.

  2. Not too much to ask for! I’d break up with him too. If someone isn’t willing to at least try, they aren’t worth the energy.

  3. It’s not to much to ask for consideration and equality, some guys are open and quite accommodating some aren’t it’s a case of try try again, or just straight up threaten them that you’re leaving ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)

  4. Well you should at least talk to him properly before deciding to break up with him. But yeah you aren’t asking for much at all, the bare minimum actually

  5. He probably thinks you are getting it from other guys and he doesn’t want to do gay stuff

  6. Trade him in for a new one with all the options.
    Sexual compatibility is very important. Don’t settle.

  7. Then he is going to ask you to accept a one-way sex life. That only benefits him, which means one day you are gonna get sick of him and dump him.

    I’d tell him he has to change because this hurts you and you can’t take this forever no one can. If he doesn’t do a 180 and start trying.

    Then you did your best and dump him.

    If you decide to dump him now, it’s okay he is asking for It

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