Lone wolfed it to a local bar, ended up chatting too a few interesting people and genuinely had a good time. Highly recommend it.

  1. Hell yeah. As someone who was kinda beaten into being an introvert because of really shitty “friends” early on in life and then had flakey friends later on, I’ve gone solo frequently because if I didn’t have the nuts to do it then I’d never be going anywhere when 5 different people don’t wanna go out on a Saturday night and wanna stay in, and they’ve been incredibly enjoyable for me regardless. I have lots of fun going to places and events alone because there’s no guarantee you’ll leave alone. It also made me much more outgoing by not having one friend I could talk to the entire time and not get to know anyone else.

  2. Working uo the courage to do this latey. Maybe this weekend is the weekend haha

  3. What did you do while you were by yourself? Where you on your phone, or did you just kinda sip your drink and look around? How did conversations get started?

    I went and ate breakfast by myself once, but I took a book. I wasn’t really there to make friends, I just wanted to try it out. It was ok, I guess. Going to a social place like a bar sounds super scary though!

  4. Once you start don’t stop. For a good amount of time. Then you should realize its nothing to be out alone. I only suggest be prepared for some interesting topics before going out. So you can have random things to converse about

  5. Man I done expierenced the most wild night from genuinely sitting at the bar waiting for a friend, (that never came) so said fuck it I stayed and a night I’ll remember fs 😭😂

  6. If you have a local watering hole where everyone knows your name….you never truly go to the bar alone…you have the whole bar waiting for ya!

  7. I’m a girl and I actually really want to practice going out by myself. I’m very introverted and whenever I’d go out alone I already knew someone would approach me and without fail they always did. But I think I should get over that because that’s not always a bad thing. I’m definitely going to try this in about 6 months

    Thanks for the reminder OP! Haha

  8. I think I need to try this soon. Anyone know if it would be better to go on a week night or on the weekend? Am I already overthinking it? Lmao

  9. That’s great! Did you strategically pick a specific bar? Or just pick one at random? I feel like I’m overthinking the situation, as I often do, and would probably end up over-planning.

  10. Best starting seat -position in the bar is at main waitress table. You can exchange some words with waitress and some near by visitors….

  11. When I was living in Houston, I use to go to places by myself all the time like the mall and certain places while I was in college. I was always a loner. I don’t have a gf. I’ve been single for years now (13 years now). I always never been a social person. Im moved back home in 2011 in Port Arthur, TX and I still feel the same way. I do have friends though. All of them are males and I have one female friend but she’s married now. I always have trouble talking to getting along with other people. I feel awkward approaching to someone that I don’t know at all especially with women. I have to break out of that and try to be more social. Me as a 35 year old single man with no kids, it does kinda sucks coming home from work by yourself everyday.

  12. Good man, that’s a huge step forward, personally i’ve been doing it for years, even at times i feel like going alone despite my friend’s availibility, much times you’ll end up having conversations with new people, so much fun, a very brave act my friend, keep going

  13. I get intrusive thoughts about looking out of place or creepy just by merit of my being alone and not really doing anything. How do you overcome those?

  14. I will try this one time. Just walk in and not expect anything. See how it goes

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