I keep hearing how men love tight vagina. But can a vagina be too tight and lead to penile discomfort?

  1. Yes, but it stretches during sex. Being gentle and lube are your friends for very tight vaginas.

  2. First, the whole concept of loose and tight vaginas is greatly exaggerated.

    It is going to be a very wide bell curve. 99.999% of all vaginas are perfect. These stories of vaginas becoming loose or being too loose is greatly exaggerated.

    Same with tightness. Sure. I am sure there is the rare case. But, again, the grand majority are perfect.

  3. Yes, absolutely. A tight vagina is sometimes an unaroused vagina and can lead to pain for both individuals. I’ve “pinched” my partner before and caused him pain, and we had to break to do more foreplay before continuing.

  4. Oh yeah. Some people are just small, but vaginas are pretty elastic. But some people can have hypertonic PC muscles that are really responsive and just grip super tightly and no amount of lube can make it comfortable when it’s like thrusting against vice grips. A condition like vaginismus can make it a very uncomfortable situation for both partners to even try.

  5. Well, it can be too tight for her ( vaganismus ) But too tight and cause me penis pain no. Besides, it’s an opportunity to do something really enjoyable for both partners. Begin by gently rubbing the vulva with the head of your penis. Once she seems turned on and is starting to want you to enter then….

    Insert your penis a tiny amount where you just make contact with vaginal opening. Very gently and slowly begin thrusting to where you slightly push into the opening. Watch her face for enjoyment or the ouch look. You want to avoid causing the ouch look.

    Stay at that depth till you feel her relax and open up a bit. Basically repeat this going a bit deeper as you feel like her body is allowing you to penetrate deeper.

    Take forever to go inside just be patient and however long it takes is the right amount of time. Lots of nerve endings at vaginsl opening and women usually like being teased.

    Women’s vaginas will contract and relax and different stages of arousal that’s how the parts work. Loose is a myth

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