I’ve never had a girlfriend before but have been wanting to get one in the next few years. I’m a 22 year old guy and will turn 23 in October. I basically have heard eating pussy is something women like in bed a lot. I want to know if there’s other aspects to it or whether it’s just that. I have a sensitive gag reflex so I am trying to take that into consideration as well. I’ve never had sex before even so I need to ask for more experienced people’s opinions and advice on it.

  1. As a guy I like the taste, how it feels and how my partner enjoys it. You don’t actually have to “eat” a pussy so your gag reflex should be fine.

  2. Bro a gf isn’t something you just go and grab at a grocery store..
    Yes, most women love having their pussy eaten.
    Taste and smell should vary from neutral to sweaty, but nothing to the point of throwing up imo don’t worry.
    The more you do it and it arrouses you, the more your monkey brain will like it.

  3. There’s nothing bad about the taste when going down on a girl. You’ll be nervous your first time, we all were, but once you do it you’ll realize it was a ton of nerves over nothing. Just start slow if you need to, taste your finger after you touch her pussy and you’ll see it’s not a bad taste at all.

    People makes jokes about the taste and smell of pussy but 99.9% of the time it’s totally fine. The dumb jokes make girls self-conscious but I really enjoy it and giving that kind of pleasure turns me on like crazy!

  4. Not everyone enjoys receiving oral, so make sure to talk to your partner about it, or at least pay attention to their reaction when you go for it. Also make sure you pay attention to how they direct you so you can get better at it since you haven’t done it before.

    I honestly don’t love the taste, but truly enjoy the effect it can have on my partner so it has grown on me. But there is something you can try if you don’t, keep a mint in your mouth when you go down on your partner. When I had a mint in my mouth the combination of flavours was delightful and she enjoyed the cooling sensation of the mint.

  5. You’re 22 and inexperienced so you’ve got lots to look forward to and learn. If you’ve made out with a girl before and liked that, then chances are high you’ll love going down on her. If you haven’t, you can start with making out. It’s really not anything to worry about but it’s something to look forward to.

    Like a few have said: giving pleasure to a woman that’s loving it is really a fucking thrill too.

  6. Just find a girl on a dating app and talk to her for a month.

    Invite her over to your place on a day that it’s literally raining cats and dogs outside.
    Invite her over for cuddles…movies…and take out.

    She’ll love it because girls love cuddles movies and take out when it’s raining outside. We also love autumn flavored lattes so around your birthday is a good time to execute this. You can even get an early afternoon coffee with her before heading back to your place.

    When you order take out- take your moment. Make out with her and see if you two have sex. Kiss it once maybe twice and you’ll know from there. If it’s too awkward you will have take out on it’s way and the arrival time as an excuse to not fuck.

    Like kiss her forehead and tell her “okay the food is going to be here soon- we’ll continue after we eat and finish the movie babe”

    And then once that’s all over- if you still don’t want to have sex…just thank her for coming over and tell her to text you when she gets home.

  7. It doesn’t taste bad. Honestly it doesn’t taste like much maybe a little salty at most. If you’re into it you’re not really worrying about the taste. Just make sure you shower first or something to stay clean.

  8. I’m may get hate for this story, BUT…

    Once apon a time I was a young pup eager to please. I found a fast friend and went to town even tho the town seemed a little fishy. I awoke in the middle of the night at my parents house and proceeded to puke my guts out all night until it was bile -_____-

    To this day I swear on everything! It was that sus ass pussy! To be fare, we saw eachother for a short while after that and even attended prom together.

    It’s 100% possible for the wrong pussy conditions to make you sick.

    That’s all hygiene related not gag reflex related but either way pussy can make you throw up a few ways.

  9. Guess it’s true you are what you eat. 🤷
    >I’ve never had a girlfriend before but have been wanting to get one in the next few years. I’m a 22 year old guy and will turn 23 in October. I basically have heard eating pussy is something women like in bed a lot. I want to know if there’s other aspects to it or whether it’s just that. I have a sensitive gag reflex so I am trying to take that into consideration as well. I’ve never had sex before even so I need to ask for more experienced people’s opinions and advice on it.

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