So I’ve recognised this problem I keep having when talking to people. I’m so lonely in general that I barely even talk to anyone but as soon as I do, someone else just has to come and butt in like 20 seconds in to the convo, almost like clockwork. Happens literally every time. Most of the times the ‘butter-in’ will start talking to the person I’m already talking to and it’s bloody infuriating. I think a lot of the times the person I’m originally talking stops the convo with me and starts with the butter-in.

Basically people keep talking over me or stealing away my conversational partners and I think it’s incredibly rude…but I’m wondering if that’s just normal and it’s just me overreacting?? Unlike so many people, I speak clearly, concisely and don’t talk your ears off, unwarranted. Maybe I’m too quiet, too slow to get my words out, too boring?

I guess the main question I’m asking is how do you negotiate talking to multiple people in a short space of time/at the same time? Or, how do I prioritise certain conversational partners over others? Or even, how to confront people or even cut people off myself if they are being rude?

Legit, I don’t know how to human anymore 🙁

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