What can only be learned the hard way?

  1. I think maturity. Getting hurt, understanding it and working on it makes maturity.

  2. Let me start a fire here that may results in downvotes into oblivion. You can hate Andrew Tate or any of the other Alpha idiots all you want, I do get it, but a lot of his short clips are things that are only learned the hard way.

  3. A lot of skills can only be developed by trying and failing. Actually, I think its most of them, being taught by others only speeds up the process, but things like coding, interviews, or art can only be trained, supervised or not.

  4. How to dance.

    I learned by attempting it and embarrassing myself severely and now I am helping a friend do the same.

  5. Rejection.

    It can be romantic rejection, social rejection, or rejection from a job interview.

    Rejection always stings but the toleration of it gets easier with time as you mature.

    It comes with the territory of putting yourself out there. It teaches you a few things:

    * Why you’re getting rejected – It’ll expose you to personal flaws you need to improve on OR that the people you tried to get with are awful and not worth your time
    * It’s liberation – Rejection is also liberation as it shows this person/group is someone you wouldn’t be compatible with so now you can focus on finding another person/tribe you are more compatible with

  6. Learning by watching other people fuck up, so you don’t. I learned early.

  7. Love and loss. No one can prepare you for either. No amount of poems, writing, other people’s experiences etc, can prepare you for the top-of-the-world feeling of being in love, the associated butterflies, the want and need to have them in your life, and then the eventual loss of that that makes you feel physically sick, left reeling like a good punch, and the feeling of despair and loneliness.

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