So me and my friend have gone to university together, spent loads of time together, lived together for 4 years and have watched each other grow together. Towards the end of our uni lives, the energy from him and my other housemate was a bit off towards me, but I presumed it was due to uni stress or anxiety about graduating.

Anyway it seemed fine, we had the odd couple conversations, he wished me happy bday etc etc. and then one day I clocked that he blocked me off Spotify. I thought that this was strange and asked him why? He avoided the question and when I pushed for an answer and told him to be straight with me if he had a problem with me, he responded that he doesn’t feel like explaining himself and that I haven’t been straight with him for a while. When I asked him to elaborate he ignored my message.

To me this is extremely odd. I’m a bit confused at what the play is? I haven’t done anything significant for sure, I’ve been a good friend over the course of 4 years. He still owes me money I haven’t asked for. So my thoughts towards him are fuck him I guess? If I’ve been a good friend over the course of 4 years and he can’t even give me an explanation, he obviously doesn’t value the friendship or me. It seems as though it’s some sort of power trip in his head. I would appreciate other peoples thoughts, perspectives and advice on this situation. TLDR

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