Men who have escaped the “rat race” what is your advice?

  1. You are trapped on the treadmill and see no way out because you’re conditioned to believe there isn’t another way. There are lots of ways to make money without being a corporate hamster.

  2. It’s only a rat race if you’re only living to relax on the weekend or make ever more money. I never considered my life to be a rat race because I have a long term goal outside of my paycheck. I’ve chosen my jobs to give myself the experience and background to live my dream. Most days are boring and repetitive, but it feels like it’s in service to the goal.

    I can’t imagine just doing it for another check for 30+ years

  3. Define what’s “escaping the rat race” to you and what is success to you mean. Everybody’s definition is gonna be different, mine is to be financially free. Some might have high career goals. If you don’t have an end goal in mind, then everything you are doing will be in vain.

    Define what’s holding you down, most of the time it’s debt or not getting that next promotion.

    Then learn how to solve the problem you’re facing and come up with a plan to resolve it. The plan you create needs to be absolute and detailed. For example, if you have 20k in debt, your plan should include how much your going to pay off each month to finish paying off the debt by x years. Or im going to start doing x, y, z to get a promotion, but if I don’t get it by x years, then it’s time to leave.

    Lastly, you need to realize that things takes time, so patience is a virtue. There’s also the chance of being lucky, which when the opportunity arises, you need to go for it. But luck isn’t controllable so for most people it’s better to focus on what is.

  4. Find a job that’ll give you enough to get by but still give you the time to do your shit.

  5. Multiple income streams. There’s no way around it, its not easy. If it was, everyone would be financially secure. Many people already work more than 40 hours a week, so building a side business or hustle for another 20 seems daunting – but its the first step towards freedom.

    You can create passive income streams with the additional money you are making by investing. Maybe you buy some real estate to rent out, or just some stocks to collect dividends. You can pay down debt and stop the outflow of cash so you get to keep more of what you earn. You will focus on your spending (because you are killing yourself for every extra dollar) – its easier just not to spend money from the initial 40 hours than it is to work overtime for more money.

    Consumerism is what destroys us. We are overworked and are told the only way to fill that void is by spending money we don’t have on things we don’t need. Have to change that mindset and take control of your spending and your life. Then, find what you WANT to do.

    When you can cover all your expenses with passive income, you can do anything for work – ideally something you really enjoy. It isn’t “work” anymore, but you get paid for it. You also won’t have that axe floating over your head where you feel like you “need” the job you are currently at (which makes people accept way more stress than they should).

  6. Make enough money to do the things I love, then do them. A job is a means to an end. You play *that* game to get comfortable, but ultimately it’s all about literally everything else.

    (Unless you find a job that you’re truly passionate about, but then you aren’t in a rat race anymore)

  7. Live within your means, don’t overextend yourself financially. Don’t play the keeping up with the jones game, don’t get yourself into a long commute, obtain balance

  8. I don’t know if it’s because I’m in tech, but I don’t think it’s a rat race. I’m not competing with anyone. I do my job well enough and get paid well enough and that’s good enough for me. I work from home and only the 8 hours a day. I actually have a good amount of free time. Commuting is the killer that people don’t consider when they’re looking for their house in the suburbs.

  9. Work hard, invest wisely, don’t get married or have kids. Retire when you have a solid financial picture and the work freelance if you need extra cash.

  10. Its only a rat race, if you are mindlessly running with every one else!! Aka: Staying on the track. You can’t win that way. You have to see the side roads, the short cuts, the alternate paths. Or else all you’ll ever see is the rat asses in front of you.

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