How often do you see your friends?

  1. Depends on which friends – several of them, I see every two weeks for game night. Others, I only see in person sporadically, because we live far apart and mainly communicate online.

  2. I’ve got 3 different major social circles, and I try to see a different group every weekend or sometimes every other weekend if I’m busy.

  3. My wife is the only person I would genuinely say is a friend, and I see her every day. It’s far too much effort to make, and maintain, friendships otherwise. It’s been that way since just before I graduated from high school.

    And to be clear, my wife and I have only known each other for 14 years and it’s been a very long time since high school.

  4. I think this question should also include people’s age. I’m coming up on 30 really quickly but I still make an effort to see at least one friend once a week. It’s getting harder as people get married and others are having kids but at the end of the day I still try and hang out with at least one person a week. I’m sure that will change when I’m in a relationship but for now that’s what’s keeping my sanity.

  5. I travelled for work for a few years pre-pandemic. I see my best friend every couple weeks to a month. I just saw one of my other best friends for the first time in 3 years a few weeks ago, and that took a vacation and 6 hours of driving. Getting old sucks.

  6. I used to have friends, until my wife started telling me I couldn’t go out with them anymore. Now I don’t have any friends.

  7. One, every day. Some, once a week. Others, it might be months or sometimes years.

  8. Honestly I have no friends. I have people I call friends but it’s people I knew from high-school that I haven’t seen or talk to for over a decade or I have daily private chat groups that live all over the world (I’m in a Star wars podcast group)

    Truly my wife is who I talk to most and I share my days with, no complaints from me

  9. im a very social person so most of the time
    i see my friends everyday. i rarely go a day without seeing at least one of my friends

  10. Once every few months, if that. We talk on discord regularly, but distance and life being busy makes things difficult.

  11. They live five hours away, so not as frequently as I’d like.

    Every couple of months is what it averages out to, maybe more frequently depending on if they’re doing stuff.

    But we do have a weekly virtual game night, so that’s something.

  12. I see some friends about every weekend but it alternates which friend group.

  13. See my neigbor every day we’re good friends. See my other friend maybe once very month or 2. I want a best friend again…

  14. Maybe once every 6-8 months and oddly enough that’s fine with me. Way too tired from work and busy with other things in life to care. I think it varies depending on one’s age.

  15. 27, live with one so basically every day. Go to the gym sometimes with another so usually once a week. I try to set up plans at least once a week with different people so I see my friends regularly, to actively maintain those relationships as they’re important to me. Overall the ones that live nearby I see between weekly and monthly.

    In the past week I’ve seen 12 people varying between best friends and acquaintances.

  16. I’m 28, and in a given week:

    * D&D friends once a week, occasionally more if one of us puts on a house party

    * Separate group once a week for bouldering, and often more for a pub quiz, beer festival, game of pool, stuff like that

    * I volunteer usually twice a week with a group, and occasionally go pub with them too (although that’s relatively rare)

    * I see a friend from uni every few weeks, usually cinema and dinner or something like that

    * Another grab-bag of people every few weeks too

    In any case, I’m seeing friends probably 4-5 times a week.

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