I use to be that nerdy kid in middle school and high school that just wouldn’t know how to communicate with people properly and would often times sit by myself at the lunch table alone because I had no friends and didn’t want to move tables to make one. Not only that, but I was the kid who was often times picked at by the bigger kids because I looked like an easy target.

Near the middle to end of high school, I met and became friends with an amazing group of people who were extremely extroverted and funny and being with them over the years helped me rub some of their traits to me and add my own flair to it.

Nowadays, I can walk up to any person and be like “Hey! I love your dress and love how x and y colors match together” to “Yo bro not to sound weird or nothin’, but your triceps are amazing, what’s yo routine?” as it varies between people. It makes a worlds difference I swear.

I just want to say thank you guys for letting me be friends with y’all and letting me be apart of many experience that helped me grow and expand as a person. Without y’all and r/socialskills , I would probably still be that awkward kid that didn’t know how to think or talk properly but has a lot on his mind and god knows what I could’ve became if I had continued. Thank you for reading!

  1. Happy for you, that was the real you all along you just needed more practice to be comfortable as yourself.

  2. Great job. Self Confidence is a major key and something that makes you stand out from other people. As you saw, People eventually gravitate towards self confidence, not anxiety. Keep it up OP.

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