For any parents out there…

Of course our kids are many things to us including professional cock blockers. In your personal experience would you say that it was easier for you and your partner to have some alone time and screw when your kids were younger or older? Personally, I always thought that when your kids become teenagers then they wouldn’t bother you as much but instead I feel like I’m raising two mini Jason Voorhees: they can sense when we’re about to fuck and they spring into action to ruin it (without killing us of course).

  1. It’s never been a problem for us, but we did a couple things that make it easier:

    1) NEVER EVER enter our bedroom without permission or without knocking. Drilled since birth.

    2) Children ABSOLUTELY NEED at least 10 hours of sleep at night. Again, enforced since she could be reasoned with, and we did (and still do) have rules like “no internet or phones in the bedroom” so that’s not keeping her up. We don’t have a hard, fast bedtime outside of school, but she generally gets sent upstairs around 9 or 10, and is in bed and asleep fairly quickly. It could be better if I could get her to exercise more, then she’d sleep longer.

  2. We have 3 kids ranging from 18-11, so I feel your pain man. What we have done over the past few years was create a weekly “couch date”. I have written about this a few times and I think it’s a life saver.

    It only works if you can guarantee that the kids will stay in their rooms for the most part though.. but here is how it works.. two of my kids are 11 and 12 and for the most part they are asleep when it’s Lights out. My 18 year old is the wild card..

    We try to treat it as much like a date as we can.. we start off some drinks usually and we put something on TV.. well cuddle on the couch and let it gradually evolved into making out, then touching and it goes on from there. Sometimes she’ll put on a cute dress or something or sometimes just sweats and a T -shirt.. it’s kind of like a mini innocent little kink we have going because it’s not fool proof and the kids could surprise you.. so you have to be careful.

    There have been times where she would be going down on me while on the couch and then you hear a door creek or light go on upstairs and I have to throw a blanket over her or she pops up.. etc. It’s all part of the fun. When things get too heated and we want to get into it, we’ll either go up to bed and lock the door or find another room in the house or whatever.

    This was born out of necessity bc we couldn’t find baby sitters for 3 kids when they were younger and now that they are older we still do it and it’s just become a weekly fun thing and almost guarantees we keep to a weekly once a week schedule for sex.

  3. When I met my now husband, his kids were 7 and 9 and had NO sense of privacy. I had to train those munchkins to knock and show some decency when entering a room. Can’t tell you how many times I got walked in on while half naked. They are now teenagers and we are very blunt with them, when the door is closed, knock. If you don’t, you are to blame for whatever traumatic thing you witness. Lol. They get it.

    We tell them what time they have to be in bed and often retreat to our room to do our thing. They are great kids and pretty much oblige. It’s gotten easier as they’ve gotten older.

  4. We have a 1 year old and an 11 year old. They are the perfect age at the moment. The one year old is small enough to be in her crib (so she can’t escape and come looking for us) and the 11 year old is old enough for us to give her some snacks and her iPad and say “we’re going to have a nap!” and she’ll leave us alone.

    Then they both sleep through the night. Bedtime at 8pm so we have the whole night to ourselves.

    We have a lock on our door, and we’ve always had good boundaries about the bedroom being our private space so that helps.

    We have sex, on average, 13 times a week so having kids hadn’t slowed us down.

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