Which celebrity woman is the most charming?

  1. I don’t know any of them well enough to know, but I like to think that Gal Gadot and Salma Hayek are quite charming.

  2. Ana de Armas had my heart in a headlock when I watched this movie recently lmao

  3. Rosario Dawson is so friendly funny and kind. Brittany Murphy was a legitimate sweetheart and beautiful. So sad when she passed away. Paris Hilton was very cool and nice despite getting off on the wrong foot with me.

  4. Gal Gadot. She seems to have a natural, flirtatious charm to her which is quite attractive in of itself.

  5. I would assume Emma Watson, but I don’t really know that as most celebrities put on an act in public or on chat shows.

  6. Christina Hendrix, she has the biggest pair of…… brains I have ever seen.

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