I’ve (27f) been seeing a guy (31m) for a couple months. When we text, sometimes he’ll send a message that’s really sweet like for example “I’d love to see you then”. And then he’ll delete it very quickly after and I don’t always even get to read them.

Why would he do this? I’m genuinely confused but don’t want to be awkward and ask about it.

  1. Might be that he’s shy idk in all honesty. There are some people that are also just not used to sending those kind of messages so doing it may come off as weird to them at least

  2. If you’re not replying to them right away he might think you’re ignoring them and he is scared and sad that he was vulnerable and basically got rejected by you ignoring them. I would just let him know that you appreciate getting them and even when you don’t get to reply right away you still like to see them and will reply when you can.

  3. I do this sometimes because… you have the blind confidence to send something and then your brain starts to overthink it and that’s when you delete it.

    Probably worried that he’ll chase you away by seeming too eager.

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