Why or why not?

As a woman I want it *so fkn baaad* during my time of month so if my guy is willing to dish it out I’m not about to turn him down. Red wings though… thats a no from me dawg. You?

eta: Well, shit. TIL this is a fetish

  1. I mean, I ain’t gonna stick my face in there, but throw down a towel and I’ll go to town.

  2. Girl here, done it before and would do it again. Surprisingly the people I’ve been with haven’t minded either

  3. Man here, definitely yes, I will always give my partner what she wants and period is one of those days in the calendar that she enjoys the maximum. Yes absolutely

  4. One time I was going down on a girl and her period started. My eyes were closed so I didn’t see, my face was covered in her blood. FYI it tasted salty.

  5. I’ll have PiV with anyone on their period, but shark week oral is only with someone I love.

  6. Love period sex! I haven’t had my period in a couple years (thanks iud), but I did have sex a couple times on my period when I still got it. It feels great for cramps, and I’m not afraid of mess. I think being eaten out would be a little weird, but fingering and fucking are perfect.

  7. We do it here. Not a fetish, not an aversion. When you gotta have it, you gotta have it.

  8. Just not the first two days because I now bleed like I’ve been attacked by a bear on those days. The rest is total fair game – who cares?

  9. My wife has no interest in period sex, but she will use her vibrator to cum. I did have a gf that was all about it and even wanted me to yank her tampon out and drop it on the floor and then fuck her.

    Ill be honest, I always did it but never really cared for it and I am into most kinky things. I always thought it was gross cleaning blood afterwards from the base of my dick (I always wore a condom)

  10. Yay and penetration helps with my cramps and mood immensely as does orgasms

  11. wlw relationship here and what my girlfriend wants, she gets. no matter what the conditions are. imo, it’s even hotter when she gets more needy around that time of the month 🙂

  12. Give him a pirate eye patch and he will have no problem with period sex!



  13. Love having sex on my period bc it ends my period way earlier! My partner says they don’t mind at all. I do think it’s a little wetter on my period so there a little less friction but still feels great.

  14. Me and my boyfriend have done it so its pretty enjoyable. Usually if pain is caused because of my period we stop and just chill and cuddle. Its not bad unless it causes pain at some point.

  15. Never done it during the main part of that week.. But would have no issues doing so if my GF felt the need.

  16. I’m an absolute horndog on my period. I can go all day, all night, as many times as I can have it, I’ll do it. It’s absolutely insane. The BF and I will go until he can’t anymore and I’ll still want to keep going!

    I dunno why, it hits me so hard.

  17. I have endometriosis so avoid the first three days as it’s heavy and painful so I’m tired and just don’t feel sexy. After the worst is over I’m on it!

  18. Depends on your flow I think. My natural glow is like Niagara Falls for 7 days and I’m in awful pain and can’t move for 2 days because my cramps are so bad. I have PMDD and would not want to even be touched but with birth control I don’t get periods and it’s a huge relief

    Edit: flow not glow

  19. I’m all for period sex. My wife and i used to do this when we were dating. We figured it was less likely to get pregnant during this time & used it as an excuse to not use a condom. She really doesn’t like condoms unless we use lits of lube. With age we’ve been using more lube but when we were in our twenties, she used to get so wet that it would flush a lot of the blood out during sex. I didn’t mind having a bloody dick.

  20. As a man, I’m all about it. In fact, if she isn’t a heavy bleeder, I still go down on her as well. That depends a lot on the woman, our chemistry and of course of she has a bare kitty or not. Hopefully not 😏

  21. A lot of guys seem to be grossed out by the idea of period sex. My current fwb is the complete opposite. When I met him we both made clear indication we wanted sex but I was on my period, I told him, as much as I want it I’m on my period. He said he understood and it was up to me. Later on he made me get super horny and we did it. (When we met we were leaving a music festival and he had a hotel room) His room had 2 beds and one of them, the bed sheets were… well… destroyed. And we would go at it for days until we had to part ways. It was hot as hell not because I was on my period, because he didn’t even flinch, and he wasn’t childish about it. It seriously depends on your partners vibes, they could ruin the mood 🙁

  22. The best part of my IUD is I don’t get a period. The worst part is I can no longer enjoy period sex.

  23. Period sex is Yay! You’re naturally more hormonal at that time, and as long as your partner is game – go for it.

    Here’s a video about why it’s such a yay
    [Why You Should Have Period Sex](https://www.deed.studio/men?wix-vod-video-id=2a76e79475fc4da09e124b39c57f12ce&wix-vod-comp-id=comp-l5ob283s)

    That being said, worth talking to your partner about it as some people really don’t like the look of blood. There will most likely be a big mess, but that can be part of the fun and nothing a towel down won’t sort out. I’ve found some men prefer wearing a condom when their partner is on their period – always worth a suggestion if it helps get him feel more comfortable.

  24. Yep, because I like having sex every day. Get your boarding pass ready for this flight!

  25. Extra lube that’s all natural? Turn the lights off baby and lay a towel down if ya feel like it. Promise it’ll be the best sex of your life.

  26. 100% Yay. Every woman that I’ve been with loves the way it feels. The big thing is being secure with your partner. If he’s willing to try it I think you both will be amazed. And for me, I get to cum inside of her without a condom and I just love that. It’s super sensual all the way around.


  28. Personally, I enjoy it as pussy eater. My experience is opposite from yours. The pussy havers I have been with are often either too squeamish or doesn’t really do anything for them. Of course that is the only desire that matters when it comes to this.

  29. Woman here, and nooo way. Something about it feels uncomfortable/painful, icky, and weird for me when I’ve tried. I usually have an extremely heavy flow the day one and two, along with severe pain sometimes. So no wha I’m having sex! But it doesn’t help I can be very horny on my period which is common for women because of hormones.

  30. I had ex had heavy discharges which i didn’t knew and had something to do with the kind of pill she took plus endometriosis, the first time it happen it was during sex but we didnt noticed anything until after. I left the room to take a shower and i looked like i had killed something with my penis… Stomach, groin, legs and the shower box were literally drenched in blood. I run out to check on her and to call an ambulance(i was in full panic mode) but when i got back to the room she was changing the sheets and starting laughing when she saw me… Took a bit to convince me she was alright but manage to do it.

    After that she i convinced her to at least go see a doctor and on hers advice she was off the pills for a while and would either get extremely horny or painful cramps during her period. Safe to say i oblidged because no amount of blood would get near what i saw that day, unless i sacrificied a goat in bed… To this day, it doesnt bother anymore.

  31. let’s not shame a man if he doesn’t want to do it during her time of the month tho

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