hi everyone 🙂
i’m 20f, and have gotten to a point in my life where i’m ready to meet new friends. i don’t want to talk to my previous friends from high school and also i don’t have a job currently- meaning i can’t befriend anyone there either. apps like tinder aren’t ideal considering i already have a boyfriend. i’ve been looking at events at the library near me but nothing is really catching my attention.

  1. Do you know what your interests are? Try to find a group that meets up often to participate in that shared interest. You could use websites designed to organize or find these meetups.

    To make friends you need to make repeated contact with people. This is easier to do in school and work because you are forced to be in proximity to the same people for years.

    You need to create these same conditiions while doing an activity that you enjoy. That way you will have an easier time connecting with people you meet.

    This is not an easy thing to do, but it is necessary if you want to make friends.

  2. Bumble friends can connect you with other women looking for friends. I just started using it over bumble date literally today so I can’t tell you how well it goes, but I have like 60 likes from guys already and have talked ti a couple so far. But with the numbers on ther its jusy a matter of time before I find someone I’ll click with

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