So my partner, we have been together for almost two years, (M24) is going out tonight, and we are living apart for now, I (F22) am moving in on Saturday!

I have previously felt anxious and worried about this due to other circumstances such as a guy he used to go out on nights out with (this guy and I have had issues in the past). For the first time I actually feel excited and happy that he is going out. Is this normal? Have I surpassed my anxiety over this and am I feeling a normal and healthy feeling?

I have had bad experiences with boyfriends going out in the past, and I have had insecurities and worries with my current boyfriend but he is so different to my exes that I know I never need to worry! Sadly it’s just how anxiety is, and I’m hoping I’m getting past it! Or at least learning how to manage it.

TDLR; I feel excited for my partner to go out and I think I am learning to manage my anxiety from past experiences.

  1. Been with my dude for 7 years and we live in a small apartment. Sigh, a house and a dog feel so unattainable right now.

    Trust me, it is totally normal and I LOVE when I get the place to myself, esp after Covid. And I like it when I go out and my dude gets the place to himself. It means you’re in a better place mentally about yourself and your relationship and you’re genuinely more secure.

  2. Yes, it’s healthy to feel happy rather than anxious if your partner is going out, for a variety of reasons.

  3. Normal, and healthy for sure. It’s a really solid sign that you’re resolving your anxieties and feel secure both in yourself (i.e. comfortable being alone) and secure in the relationship (i.e., trust).

  4. its normal! it means you are secure in the relationship and you’re excited to get some alone time. its only bad if you are feeling scared or anxious around him

  5. All seriousness aside if you’re about to move in with the guy then you’ll be begging him to go out/going out yourself more before long 😂

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