Men, at what age are you at your mental, physical and sexual prime?

  1. For sports early 20s, for general life in this society certainly early-mid 30s.

  2. Right now for me, as I enter my 30s.

    I’m in the best overall shape of my life: mentally, physically, and sexually.

    Mental still needs time though. I have a lot of bitterness and anger to work through.

  3. I think this is about 30-35… physically I was strongest, sharpest, and could fuck for unlimited time.

    At 20 I could fuck over and over, but it was 100 seconds and pop, 100 seconds and pop again.

    At 31-33, I was thickkkkk, could hold my orgasm, fuck as long as I wanted to, and had an ass of steel!

  4. Probably should have been when I was in my 20s, but I only recently started investing in my health, so it’s actually now. I’ve never been in better shape, I’ve never been this sexually active. It’s kind of nice.

  5. Definitely 30s

    Had to marry a second wife because ahit just got real. Still looking for a third now 😂

    But there’s obviously more to marriage than just sex. Which brings me to the mental and emotional part of it all. A mature man can greatly appreciate and and bring gratification to multiple women whilst keeping them all feeling very loved and cared for. Patience is a virtue that just cant be learned in monogamous relationships.

  6. Mental, about 30. Physical about 22. Sexual about 20. Everyone varies but based on my personal experience.

  7. For me it was 17ish, been on a downward spiral since but I think in general it’s 25.

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