I (M 20) met a great girl (F 20) at my casual summer job a year ago. One of the benefits of the job is complimentary access to a local gym. Fast forward to summer 2022 – she’s still on the same summer job while I’ve taken on a different summer internship; I do still work out at the same gym and have seen her there when I go on some weekdays. From our time working together on the job, I know she’s really cool and we have a lot in common and I want to ask her out. We study the same major in college but at different universities. I already have a plan for what the first date could be and we’ve already exchanged phone numbers from working together last year. **My question is: should I ask her at the gym or over text?**

I’ve been doing some Googling about it and it seems like neither option is particularly ideal. On one hand, I’ve been taught that you don’t ask people out over text because in-person is much cuter and more genuine (among other things). On the other hand, I’ve concluded that it’s also not great to ask girls out at the gym; largely because they are usually are on a time crunch and want to get in and get out.

That’s the case for her: she arrives around the same time each day, does her routine, and leaves after about 45 minutes. The first week I saw her there and bumped into her, we had a short catch-up chat; since then, I haven’t talked to her in-person or over text. When we see each other at the gym, we smile and wave – I’m not sure whether it’s a friendly wave or flirty wave. I’ve also seen her do the same with our former coworkers – today one of male coworkers waved at her and as she waved back, he took out his headset as if to initiate conversation but she ignored him.

In my gut I have no clue whether she’ll say yes or no to a date, but I’m ready to ask and ready to potentially be rejected – no concerns there. I have a feeling that if she does like me back that she’ll say yes whether its over text or in-person, but I just wanted to know what y’all thought: text or in-person?

Will post a follow-up if it goes well. Thanks!

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