Hi, I’m an American going to England for the first time. Any advice, recommendations, tips, stories, UK slang, and anything else for tourist visiting for the first time.

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  2. Go watch some red ball cricket.

    Not the bullshit white ball kind of cricket though. Go see either some county cricket or village cricket.

    It’s like simplified baseball and you can hit the batter in the face to shake him up a bit. Plus drinking.

  3. It depends where you are going but most of our museums are free and cities will have them as well as a load of old touristy type attractions.

    The countryside can be a decent shout as well depending on what’s near such as canal boats, nature walks and the seaside is pretty much just over an hour from most places in England.

    Also of course, the pub!

  4. Just be yourself and you’ll be fine, just don’t act like a dickhead you be nice to people, people will be nice back, same the world over.

  5. Get used to hearing the word ‘cunt’.. it’s not got quite the same stigma attached to it over here (don’t go calling anyone it yourself tho, it can still get you slapped if used wrong)

  6. Same advice I give to every american. Dont be too loud or brag a lot, apart from that just be yourself. Absolutely no one cares about your heritage and the vast majority of people arent into god or guns.

    In London the museums and shows are great, the bus and river tours are a good way to see a lot. Dont try and do the slang or accent itll sound awful and maybe seen as mocking. Hope you have a lovely time!

  7. If you are going to rent a car and don’t know how to drive a stick shift, learn fast.
    When crossing the road look right ,then left, then right again before crossing.
    Get a tap and pay credit card if possible. Get the bank to also send you a PIN for the card. Let your credit card company know you will be overseas so that they don’t put a hold on your card as they will see it is being used in the UK.
    Check with your cell phone company about roaming charges. US cell phones will work in the UK but AT&T or Verizon etc.will probably charge an arm and a leg for mobile data. If you need to call home find free wifi and use WhatsApp or some other App that let’s you make phone calls. Most airports have free wifi. In cities and towns restaurants e.g. McDonalds or department stores will have free wifi.
    Most modern portable electronic devices like US cell phones can be charged using the British 240V 50Hz electric, but you will need an adaptor to plug your US phone into British electric outlets as they are 3 pin, not 2 pin. The range of suitable voltages / frequencies will be indicated on the label on the plug for your phone charger, computer charger.

    Edit: portable

  8. You don’t need to tip staff they don’t rely on them but if you did enjoy a nice meal you can.

    If your looking for cheap food/drink download “Wetherspoons” app. It’s a chain of pubs which are located all over the UK with the app it should show you where they are. I wouldn’t recommend for your first UK pub though.

    Try Indian food it’s really good here I guess it’s similar to how Americans love Mexican food.

    Might not get it in big city’s but if someone says to you “you alright” walking somewhere just reply back saying “you alright”. Don’t reply giving a full conversation about yourself, it’s a way we greet each other.

  9. 1. Queuing is important

    2. Manners and politeness are important too

    3. The best fish and chips are at the seaside

    4. Go to country pubs if possible, avoid wetherspoons

    5. Get a full English

    6. Don’t steal the queen’s swans or you will be sent to the tower!

  10. If sombody says “you alright mate” they’re not concerned for your wellfare it’s a simple greeting.

  11. Don’t try to fit in by using their slang. It actually makes you stick out and look a bit ridiculous. I’ve been here for 5 years and yet to use British slang. Also, the comment about greggs sausage rolls, they’re not very impressive.

  12. Stonehenge is actually a crappy visitor experience. If you are renting a car, drive up and park nearby and see it from outside the « paid » area. Then go to nearby Avesbury where they have a giant stone circle throughout the whole village you can touch as much as you like.

  13. If you head north of London there’s also plenty to do.
    It’ll take you longer than an afternoon to see it.
    I’m on Merseyside (near Liverpool). Again, free museums, Beatles if you’re into them, excellent pubs in the city and on Wirral

    Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle are all excellent places to visit
    Peak District, Yorkshire Moors, Lake District if you want outdoor fun and walks.
    Also, you say England, but if you can and have time, try and see some of Wales and Scotland and N. Ireland because they have some of the most beautiful aspects in the UK, great food, people and cities.

  14. Also, something not British British, but also very British….
    Try find a place for a nice curry.

    My go to is…

    Starters: Mixed Grill, Chilli Paneer, Amritsari Fish then
    Butter Chicken and Garlic Naan maybe a lamb dish and a Daal…
    All to share across the table.

  15. my only advise is if you are nice generally people are nice. the only other thing i would say is restaurants will accept tips but its not very common here generally you leave the change or tip if you have really good service. service staff here are paid enough to live on if only just barely so you not tipping them isnt going to mean they starve.

    edit. generally eating out is more expensive because of the above.

  16. All you need to know is here and most of it is still relevant [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GCcoaSq3x4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GCcoaSq3x4)

    We do have cold beer now though!

    Essentially: Don’t throw your money around, don’t be brash or vulgar and don’t annoy men in kilts

    Full extended version – [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltVtnCzg9xw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltVtnCzg9xw)

    Very interesting watching to understand USA/UK relations during WW2

  17. Don’t be afraid to take a train 40mins to an hour outside of London to get a broader experience of the country. I’m in Guildford and it has a pretty high street and a ruined castle, a river and is 40 minutes from Waterloo. Very doable by train but depending on where you are staying St Albans or even Canterbury are a nice day out and not too exhausting.

    Edited because spelling and Canterbury is probably an hour and a half.

  18. Ok, You want to be as loud as possible we love that, Push to the front of lines, wear a fanny with all your money in there. We love it when you mock our accents and say bottle of water. Also the royal guards love it when you mess with them.
    If you want fish and chips get it from Wetherspoons but if you want a curry go to a supermarket and get a microwave one they are the best,

    For lunch get a supermarket meal deal, being in UK you have to get a Egg and Cress sandwich ( the nations favourite one) with a monster energy as your drink, space raiders are the best crisp/ chips.

    Last Tip talk to as many people in the subway as possible, everybody here loves Americans



  19. Depending on how much time you have, you could take the Euro star to Paris. Overnight would be a nice trip.

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