I’m genuinely curious, and a bit oblivious, here so if this is a complete no go let me know.

Started a part time job about 7 weeks ago, and about 4 days after a new girl joined, for the 4~ weeks we worked together, we got along well, would talk fairly often and I think I saw some signs that she was interested but I’m not entirely sure. She left for a holiday and has been sick ever since she got back as far as I’ve heard. Due to this she was recently fired. Would it be stupid to dm her and ask her to hang out when she’s well again, or would
It be better to just leave it?

  1. I don’t think so, why not send her a kind message to see if she’s feeling any better and ask how things have been going. Tell her, things aren’t as fun without her there at the job. Judging by how or if she responds; you’ll know if it’s a good idea to ask to hangout. You definitely don’t wanna be wondering what if.

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