As a male, I’m really struggling to find resources on pubic hair. I have no clue if I’m supposed to shave, groom, or let it stay natural

I know that it’s the human body and it is what it is. I also know that at an intimate level, every partner will be different.

However, I want to be told what is culturally preferable at large. My aim is to minimize the likelihood of stigma in chance encounters.

Any perspective would be helpful.

  1. The only thing you are supposed to do is keep them clean.

    Wear what’s comfortable. If you reeeealy can’t decide it yourself, keep them trimmed, it’s a middle option so to say. And when you get a partner, ask them, and maybe try out other options. Maybe you two will find a wild bush super manly and hot. Maybe you’ll enjoy the sensation of the smooth skin. Who knows

  2. In my experience trimmed is best. You don’t deal with the itchiness and ingrown hairs this way, and your dick tends to look better than if you have a full grown bush. A few women over the years also echoed the same sentiment to me : fully shaven looks “too young” and it makes them feel weird, and the shaven hairs tend to feel like tiny needles.

    I mostly like trimmed because it’s easy and looks good enough to me.

  3. There’s no “supposed to”. Do what is comfortable and aesthetically pleasing to YOU.

    Culturally preferable at large tho: completely shaved or trimmed short is the most common style.

    My personal preference is either natural or a medium length trim so that it’s still soft and not itchy! I’m not gonna turn someone away just bc their preference differs from mine tho. It’s their body and I want them to be comfy above all.

  4. Personally I prefer fully bald, I find it feels the best as well. But as long as you keep it trimmed and not scraggly you should be fine in must encounters.
    If you shave/wax/ keep the area directly around the base of your shaft clear it does make you look significantly bigger.
    Experience tells me that if you keep your scrotum bald you will have the best response from partners. The trouble is shaving or waxing your balls is both tricky and risky.
    Regular waxing gets much easier after 2-3 times. The first few are horrific thought.
    I don’t really recommend shaving unless you can do it every day or at least every second day. And get a good aftershave balm or you will probably have issues with ingrowns.

  5. I think that if you want to conform to norms, either shave or trim. But there are plenty of people who prefer it natural (myself included) so you’re never going to please everyone.

    I think any decent person won’t care what you do with your pubes.

  6. Just trim it a bit so your partner doesn’t get hair in their mouth. If you want your balls sucked maybe shave them. Its not so much the look but the experience. Noone wants hair in their snack and natural looking bush is cool, or bald if you wana feel breezy. A little trim can make you look a little bigger too.

  7. hair on the shaft can be annoying if long, painful if very short, basically it can reduce the comfortably usable length of the penis unless it’s recently shaved and lubed up.

    Everything else is probably better moderately trimmed if you don’t know what your partner likes.

  8. I’d say your safest bet is trimmed to between 4mm and 1cm on top and optionally keep a 2cm wide treasure trail of similar hair length, and shaved balls not allowed to grow longer than 5mm before shaving again. If you have hair growing on the shaft, it’s safest to shave that as often as you can.

  9. Clean and natural is how I roll, no mad itchyness and my partner doesn’t mind at all. I’m a sweaty guy but I also shower plenty and iv never had issues.

  10. Once you start a routine it is actually easy to maintain.

    I shave my testicles and have done so for years, I do it about 1-2 times a week with a regular disposable razor.

    I use trimmers for everywhere else. Most women don’t want long hairs in their nose if they give oral. Some women don’t like a fully shaved man and some do. I tend to meet that in the middle by trimming.

    Once you have a steady partner, the can tell you what they like the best and you can decide from there.

  11. I keep my bush trimmed. I like it that way and my wife prefers it because I have red hair.

  12. It comes down to individual preference. I personally preferred trimmed. It looks good and doesn’t cause uncomfortable friction during sex. Completely shaved looks weird and the prickles can hurt. Full bush looks a bit gross to me and can also be uncomfortable during grinding!

  13. I keep mine tidy, I trim mine to about 1.5cm length including ball hair and also the ball area of the crotch. I only shave any hairs on the shaft and shave up to the base of the shaft.

    I have shaved completely before, it felt weird to me though and got really sweaty which I didn’t like, perhaps hair down there actually has a real purpose.

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