I did end up texting the guy I’d been on the date with and eventually it led to a second date being planned which I just got back from. This guy has shown all the green flags (except for disliking ice cream 😂) including:
– Telling me a week in advance that his folks are visiting so he will be busy next week
– Confirming that he is interested in a third date and seeing if I am as well while still at dinner!
– Kissing me as he dropped me home, and noting that he didn’t on the first date because I had had my hand on the door handle and he wanted to be 100% sure I was into it
– Paying for his own food, even though I said it would be my treat, because he chose a pricier restaurant
– Suggesting a cheaper date of pizza and movies at his place, but reassuring me that his sister and her husband are almost always home in case I was worried about him pressuring me into anything

Gah and so much more! I’ll admit when I’m wrong. Thank you folks who commented on my last post here and told me to grow up and text the guy 😅

  1. Seems like a good dude, and overall great chemistry. Wishing you the best of luck

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