I’ve(f18) been dating this guy (m19) since February 15th and had talked to him previously as we were good friends before when we were younger and even dated at one point but stopped after a year of his mothers torment.

I’ve recently found out from his ex that they didn’t break up till February 7th, now he claims she was the “I’m gonna k word myself if you leave” type and a couple other people also Vouched that part. She also proved that he had been texting her the first month of us dating because he “wanted to change her perspective on him” because he “changed”. It was 2:30am when I told him I knew of this information and when I was so ready to break up with him he asked for a chance to at least talk, so he skateboarded a whole 35/40mins in the hot and humid air despite having asthma to come talk to me

He said he was afraid of my reaction(which was literally me throwing up in my driveway as I tried to hand him a bag of his clothes) and this was worse than he anticipated. I told him good. He apologized profusely, grabbed my hands, even tried to hug me, I gave him the chance to talk and went inside. I asked him what he was going to do from this point on after this, what did he plan to fix it? What was he going to do now if he knows he’s in the wrong? He begged. As they all do.

However he’s been very helpful the past few months, whether it’s towards my family or towards my mental health and I. I really do adore him and I can safely say I love him because I’m giving him this chance. But what do you guys think? Do you think solid and understanding communication can get us through this? Or do you guys think the ship will sink within a month or two? I want to say I’m confident of our communication now that he obviously knows that I’ll know one way or another if something happens.

TLDR- my boyfriends ex and him broke up way too close to when we first started dating again, has the last five months even been worth it? Can I trust this kid?

1 comment
  1. I’m not sure I see the problem. It’s not like he was cheating on the ex with you. He probably started dating you, not assuming it would be a long term thing and then caught feelings. It’s pretty common.

    Is he still talking to his ex? Does he have feelings for her? Have they met up? Those would be concerning and a breach of trust. But if it’s just that he wasn’t single very long and was still dealing with healing from his previous relationship, welcome to dating as an adult.

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