What do you think is an appropriate amount of time to be in a relations ship before popping the question ?

  1. 18 months minimum before moving in (2 years or not until you get married would be better), 3-5 before popping the question.

    Before you agree to contractually hold yourself hostage to another, you might want to spend as much time knowing who they are, and what their downsides are, before doing so.

    When you’re just dating, you can leave free and clear at any time. If you’re married, you can leave, but it’ll cost you half your stuff.

  2. We started discussing it seriously around three years in and I proposed shortly after our 4th anniversary, but your mileage may differ.

    We had already been living together for some time so marriage hasn’t been much of an adjustment.

  3. Different for every relationship. You should pop the question when you are 100% sure this is the one you want for life.

  4. You should *definitely* live together for at least one year before proposing, preferably more. That’s the only way to truly know if you’re compatible as life partners.

    And you should most **certainly** wait two or more years before moving in together. Just trust me on that one, it’s *not* a mistake you want to make. Moving in with someone who realizes three months later that she’s not in love any more is quite horrible.

    So basic addition says at minimum three years, preferably five or more.

  5. as most people have already said, a year minimum. i’d personally want to date and live with the person for a few years until i got married

  6. I think 2 years at the absolute minimum and preferably 3 years, with at least one year of that living together. Divorce is hard, so you really want to know the person you’re marrying very well and I think it takes at least 2-3 years to have experienced enough things together to know how you’ll handle various types of situations that come up in life.

  7. Well of course a few years.. but you also have to live together too for a few years to see if you wanna be living with that person for the rest of your life fr.. me and my wife were together for like 6 years before we even thought about marriage

  8. Moved in at 9 months, proposed at 16 months. There were a lot of things that had me convinced she was “the one.”

  9. 9 years after us meeting 1st time, having lived together 6 ys having one child my wife found out the neighboring summer house to her family summer place had a cool party barn. She got the Idea that having a marriage there would be a great party. So she convinced me and we did all the stuff with church and priests, I thought only for the party, but I never regretted it. Its great to call her my wife.

    But the big question is not the ring, its skipping the pills. You get a child, you take care of it, no matter what. Both ours has left home nowfor uni and work, don’t know if they will actually do the formal thing. But they will take care of their kids well, I’m sure of that and thats what matters.

    To answer the actual question, Its like, if you need it to be sure you and your woman will handle raising a family, move in together, see how it works. Then, unless the both of you have a lot of experience handling babies you will never be “ready”. The 1st child is even more a revolution than those friends withe babies say. But, your wired to handle it. So if you wait 1 year or 10 years to bet married, dont really matter. If you move in with that person you’ll pretty soon will find out the real quirks of the other.

  10. We were a couple for a little over a year and had been living together for a few months when I asked.

  11. I started looking at rings by month 4. Proposed at 13 months, married 14 months later.

    When you know you know.


    I always called it the 10 year rule. If you can’t look at your life 10 years in the future and see her in it, she wasn’t it. If you can’t imagine life 10 years in the future WITHOUT her….you’ve got some planning to do.

  12. It depends on a lot. But success seems to hint at about a year. Enough time to really find out what someone is like.

  13. However long it takes for you to be ready. There’s no real set number. Just whenever you are perfectly sure of your decision.

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