I have a failing relationship of 11 years. We had hard beginnings but I chose to use it, to build me, where she used it to make a confort box. We are going in to two directions and we are getting further away.
And first 3 years into the relationship she slowly became less Interested in the things I was. By then there was a baby.
Now present day I’m with someone who doesn’t like pretty anything I like. She doesn’t want to plan for ANYTHING when it comes growth.
I’m slowly becoming her not feeding my brain and as all my friends start to get on with their lives I have less and less people to connect with.
AND THE KILLER..her sex drive has never been high but now it’s non existent. So I’m pretty much in a relationship where my woman will online have sex with me because she feels like it’s time to top up my happy tank with passionless sex.

We are argue everyday about something. Most of the time it’s me trying to not make an argument happen but it happens anyway. Then I leave her to sulk.

I love her and she is a great mum but I fear when my kids grow up. It’s gonna me and her staring at each other with an eternal awkward silence.

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