I decided to share my story, because I think I was able to help somebody else a little. My disclaimer is that I still struggle with relationships, but the point is more the progress that I made. If you feel kind of hopeless, my story might help.

I was fairly isolated growing up. And I just wasn’t raised in a loving environment, so I didn’t have much confidence in myself. I still struggle with this, but I didn’t even know if I could have a relationship. So if you feel that way, maybe this story will help.

I was 19 and I had never really dated anyone. I went to college there weren’t a lot of women there, but I didn’t know how to approach them anyway.

But I ended up chatting, and I hit it off with a woman from Canada. I just tried talking and it ended up we had some things in common, and we ended up getting closer. I really started to like her. And after a while we started talking on the phone as well.

Of course, I never expected this to happen, but even it did it was a bit of a problem, since she was in Canada. So I decided I should go meet her, even though everyone thought I was crazy.
But I decided it was best to take the chance. I’m not suggesting anyone do this, necessarily, but the important thing was I made the decision to take a risk.

So I went to Canada to meet her, and I had fun, but I think she was disappointed. And at the time I only had one picture, so I’m assuming she was disappointed in my appearance.

Anyway, I had to come back to the US, and it didn’t take her long to find somebody else, so I really felt horrible, because I thought we were in love. So it was difficult, but again I made a choice.

I could have chosen to be angry and bitter, and given up. But I realized something, as depressing as that was: I still had a good time. If I didn’t have a good time, it wouldn’t have hurt so much.

I was still a virgin, but I dated somebody. I enjoyed talking, going on some dates, kissing, etc, that I never experienced before. And I realized I would do it all over again.

And I realized that I was willing to take the risk again. I had a little bit more confidence than I had before. And I made the choice to try again. And I’ve had some short relationships, but I don’t see them as failures.

I still struggle, but the point is I made progress, and I knew nothing about relationships, and had almost no self confidence.

So I think my story will help encourage some people. Even if you think you can’t get a date, if you want to date, you have to consider you might be wrong, and that’s enough to get started.

I know it’s a long story, and that’s barely even a chapter for me, but I feel like more people can connect than if I just give them advice. It’s based on logic, and it sounds good, but without the context it’s hard to see how effective it can be.

Let me know what you think, or if you have any question.

1 comment
  1. Thank you for sharing your story ☺️

    I love that you focused on having a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset. That’s awesome.

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