Everyone says “just do what you want”…

But some of the things I want to do, I have a VERY shallow reason for wanting to do them.

Ex. I want to learn mma, so I can FEEL cool… and LOOK cool… or IMPRESS people…

Or I want look buff so I’m going to start lifting weights…

Because i feel like I have shallow reasons, I don’t want to do them…

But Isn’t it normal to want to do things for shallow reasons? Isn’t that why most of us liked anything anyways?

Like watching kung-fu movies and wanting to become a kung-fu master…

  1. Does it really matter why you start doing something? Just go along with it and after some time you’ll see if it turns into something you personally enjoy. You get your ideas first and then develope the actual passion… once you’re in a routine.
    I started working out just to enjoy looking in mirror every morning…. what reason is that??? But it turned into something I enjoy doing now.

  2. It’s about degrees. If all you care about is what other’s think of you, you give all your power away to them. Your happiness and sense of approval is in their hands, meaning it can be taken away at any time. But everyone cares about what others think to some degree. It’s natural to want to be liked.

    If doing mma or weightlifting makes you happy, then do it and be happy. It’s okay to do it to feel good about yourself. The problem is if it’s the only way to feel good about yourself. Putting all your eggs in one basket is a problem if you drop that basket. Seek out lots of different ways to feel good about yourself, like being kind to people and animals.

    Shallow reasons aren’t entirely invalid. They are short term and temporary though. Remember that your body will change over time. The people who think you’re cool are probably going to be shallow too. Good, long lasting relationships require more than being cool.

  3. I think the only real problem with your mentality is that no one will actually care about what you do. That being said, if you feel cool doing it, that’s a huge reason on its own.

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