Im a 20m in my final year of college. I like geeky things like games, anime and TV shows, I was always a lonely guy and want to change that and have more friends and even a girlfriend.

The problem is i can’t get people interested in me, i have a few friends and they all have a huge social group and girlfriends. I feel extremely bad that I’m so far behind everyone else. One of my problems is i can’t talk to girls without things getting awkward. I mean i can talk hours about anime and video games but they don’t seem interested in that. And they don’t say anything too so it gets awkward. Even if i try to text, they don’t seem interested.

I showed my texts to one of my friends who’s doing pretty well socially he said that’s is not how one should text …how i text is boring. And he refuses to help me in that aspect.

I can share screen shots of one of my texts of you’d like to give me pointers.

Ik PPL will say that maybe the person was texting is not an active texter. But I’ve seen my friends text her a lot and she generally is very active. Except in my case

But in general how do I improve my texting game and keep people(both guys and girls) interested in me ? Any resources are appreciated.


  1. Ask questions! And *then* add something about yourself. If you have any examples that would be great

  2. I’ll look at it, give me context in the dm:

    Boy or girl?
    How you met?
    Time known each other?

    Just some background about your relationship to the person

  3. It’s perfectly fine to like geeky things, but it’s unlikely every single conversation will steer towards those topics.

    Although picking up other interests would help, it’s not strictly necessary. You just need to be able to carry your weight in conversation when it’s about other things.

  4. Forget chatting and texts. You need toget better at in person conversations. Typically guys ask boring questions like “where are you from, what do you study, how do you like it here”. Stop asking these dumb boring questions. You are talking to teenage girls whose hormones are spiking and who want excitement and badboys who will lead them on an adventure.

    Instead ask more inspirational questions such as “what was your favorite vacation, what is your favorite Italian place around here, I’ve been looking for a good pasta, what are you doing for spring break”, etc etc. you want people excited to talk to you not bored.

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