How would you describe your dream job?

  1. Basically a personal assistant, with a very cool boss who isn’t whiny or extra needy. Also pays immaculately and has loads of time for myself and vacays.

  2. I am home. I don’t work, because I have cancer.

    (Though if you would have asked me two years ago, I would have answered with “dispatching air ambulances!”)

  3. Won the lottery and don’t need to work. I’ve never had a dream job

  4. Working directly with the public and helping them. Creating meaningful interactions and guiding folks to succeed and reach their full potential. I think impacting lives in a positive way on a day to day basis would be a small contribution to making this world a little better. It would be so fulfilling to me if I had a role where I was capable of doing something like that. Just offering support, compassion, and guidance. I guess something where I could offer alternatives and solutions to people facing problems, in some regard.

  5. Doing exactly what I’m doing now, but only working 6 months out of the year. Ideal.

  6. A good team.

    I strongly believe that no matter the work, if you have a good team to work with, the work is a lot less tiring.
    Ofc it would work better with what I want to do but still, when doing side jobs, having a terrible gossiping and judging team was wayyyyy worse than a friendly and funny team (same shitty job to do but 2 years apart).

  7. Writing and and animating for a mature cartoon (mature as in young adult cast (20s+) and more mature problems, not necessarily sexual stuff). But I don’t know the first thing about animation. 😭

  8. A psychoanalyst and writer. I’m currently writing a poetry book, so that’s something! I want to join the USMC before I start college to be a psychoanalyst though.

  9. Some sort of organisational work and i’m completely free to work whenever I want, from wherever I want and how much I want and also I get a shit ton of money.

  10. Homesteading, taking care of the land, art such as drawing, painting, sculpting, sewing, maybe make a cook book.

  11. Enjoy going into work, enjoy the people I work with, can help society at large, can make a difference in the world, can balance work and home life easily and can make enough to cover bills and have an annual family vacation.

  12. Not having one lol.

    Being financially secure enough that I could literally spend my days traveling and enjoying life.

  13. A job where I can help other people, by listening to them , offering advice etc. I already do this by volunteering and I love it. I

  14. Right now? The job I’m starting on Monday! It’s so full of potential. Infinite possibilities of building up a new business area within my company.

    I already do get 6w of vacation per year, I wouldn’t mind an extra week or two. I’m getting a decent pay check, but of course, it can always be higher, but I can do what I like and put funds away so I’m good.

    I need a job where I can be creative in creating something that returns a visible value in my company. Create understanding. Simplicity. Those are the things that drive me.

  15. Petting cats and guinea pics whilst sipping the world’s finest iced chais

  16. Mental health counselor/any position where I can have a positive impact on people’s life, outlook on life and mental health

  17. Angsty woman who has mysteriously inherited a large sum of cash and a secluded property in the mountains. All seems fine until the doorbell starts mysteriously ringing throughout the night – alas! The home is haunted by the previous widow of the house. At first I am scared; what monstrosity have I started to live with? But, it seems that the widow’s ghost is trying to tell me something. I must investigate this home’s history, the land, and interview the quaint, but mysterious townspeople to determine the background of this home and why I – an unassuming brunette – have inherited this.

    This is my dream.

  18. I want to help people. Every single day I want to know that my work is making a great difference in people’s lives.

  19. I’ve always said that if I were to be reincarnated, I want to be the beloved family pet of a well-off and well-adjusted suburban family.

    Otherwise, I don’t really dream of labour.

    Though, if I must choose, tenured professor.

  20. Something with wildlife research, ideally a marine biologist specializing in humpback whales.

  21. I wanna be an OBGYN and potentially specialize in neonatology as well so I can work with women and people and babies! I also wanna help give people more choice in medical care!

  22. Giving my cat the best life he deserves, and building a home I can call my own.

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