So sex is kind of a new thing for me.

I was a late virgin, up until last week. I have a girlfriend now, she’s really nice, and we’re going at it.

Even though I really love to have sex, especially to give her pleasure, I feel absolutely nothing during our playtime. If anything a little pain.

Could be because of the condom, but I also don’t feel anything during blowjobs.

I know for a fact that when I’m masturbating, I always find it more pleasurable when I want to pee a little. It makes me more sensible I guess.

But still, why can’t I feel a thing during BJ ? I’m pretty sure she’s doing it right, and I remember I used to love this when I was younger, in high school (didn’t had sex but foreplay).

She is getting stressed about it, wondering if she’s doing anything wrong and that it sucks that it’s not as good for me as it is for her. I obviously do everything in my power to rassure her and tell her it will probably get better for me, and that it is already an awesome experience.

Any ideas ?

1 comment
  1. Are you on anti-depressants? What are your masturbation habits like (besides the non-empty bladder, do you grip tightly)?

    You feeling a little pain is throwing me off as well. Is she maybe a bit too dry? Could the condom be in a too small size?

    This might be above reddits-paygrade. You might want to get checked out by a doctor.

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