I texted my friend a while back, telling her about the psychosis episode I had and the suicidal thoughts I get.

Her responses were either:
– “You don’t have a psychotic episode”
– “I guess if you’re only have some episodes here and there and it’s not really affecting you it might not be worth it” (worth checking with a psychiatrist, she means) even though I told her my Doctor said to book an appointment with one
– that suicidal thoughts are “normal”
– changing the topic to herself (as always) about her other friends’ stories
– her boasting about how she knows so much about mental health because she works at a community centre and takes a class for her Uni degree.

And then yesterday, she messaged me saying she has depression and explained her mood swings. Told me, one minute she’s happy with her parents and when something happens, she all of a sudden bawls her eyes out. My responses were completely different to hers. Instead of minimising her struggles or making it about myself, I encouraged her to seek professional help.

I don’t care. I don’t want her support, I don’t want her comforting words, but what pisses me off is that if I did what she did to me, she’ll call me an inconsiderate friend.

I don’t know if this is something I should mention to her or not, but regardless, I’m tired of having to deal with it every time I talk to her

  1. sad to know how you feel, hope you feel better soon and do what you think that could help you to cope up your current state of emotions. anyway, about your friend… if she doesn’t do any good to you or not helping you at any sort, much better not to deal with her anymore. not worth to confront her about how she responds and you could’ve just had her taste her own medicine. so i think that’s good enough. she’s not worth keeping though.

  2. honestly, she sounds like the typical ableist you meet in academia. they’ll never shut the fuck up about their own depression and anxiety, but if you have any “unsavory” mental health struggles (usually stuff like psychosis, genuine unironic suicidal ideation, OSDD/DID, personality disorders, etc) they will treat you like a subhuman or, if they want to be ‘nice’, they’ll deny you have that struggle because in their mind it would be an indictment of your character.

    i’ve known so many people just like this… they’re never gonna be trustworthy and they’re not worth putting up with, imo. confront her or not, it’s up to personal preference, but if i were you i would try and gradually distance yourself from her until there’s no contact at all anymore.

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