I transferred to a new college from community college and I haven’t gotten used to the culture shock yet. It’s been really difficult making friends, especially having to be in lower division classes as opposed to people more my age who are about to graduate (I go to an artschool, so college works a little differently).

I have been through this before. I endured through periods of having no friends and feeling insecure, but usually it’s just a season and someone comes around and we just click. It doesn’t seem like it’s happening now. It seems like I’m beginning to resent myself for it and, in turn, making it even more difficult making friends. I feel like I’m in survival mode having to feel so alone all the time and having no luck for friends when I go to school. It’s been really bad.

I know this is temporary and things will come around again, because that’s how life works right? You just have to stick through the times you’re a bit unlucky and then you get lucky again. It’s just taking so long this time around.

I’m trying to be patient now, but having nothing to do but homework and whatever is on my phone (doomscrolling through tiktok, instagram, going on youtube) has been really miserable. Has anyone else been through this kind of experience? What do you do with your time when your friendless and how do you cope while it’s going on? I’m just running out of ideas and I don’t want to go through my days on tiktok mindlessly scrolling anymore.

  1. You need to become genuinely busy in your life focusing on your hobbies and goals, while interacting with other people on the side in real life. Find something you enjoy doing in life and keep doing that overtime. You will build much needed self esteem and self confidence. Chase excellence, not people.

  2. That’s a tough situation. I would try going to meet ups, classes, anywhere with shared interest. Being isolated is extremely bad for you. You have to prioritize hanging out with people. It’s a total mental heath need. Your in a deep spot and need to take action. Therapy if you have to. Get out there and make plans with people.

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