We used to live in an apartment complex. We then moved into her parents house for six months and have now moved into a home we bought. About a month ago I found socks that weren’t mine and my wife insisted and told me that they were mine and they were new. I didn’t press her on it but told her they weren’t mine. Well she found a sock that wasn’t hers a week later and kept asking me where it came from and who was she. She finally let it go but yesterday she found shorts that aren’t hers in laundry. She’s upset and says this is the second time something must be up.

The thing is I haven’t done anything and don’t know where they came from. She says she’s staying at her parents house tonight because she wants some time to herself. I really don’t know what to do because I don’t know where they came from. I said they might be from one of our nieces because they slept over here this month. I’m really at a loss here.

Also, I’ve been off this month and she has as well. We have spent majority of time together or with our baby.

What do you guys think of this situation? I’m at a loss.

  1. ^(You caught her banging dudes at the complex so she got a sock from her friend, claimed it wasn’t hers and turned the tables on you so she could get away with her cheating.)

  2. Have you ever done laundry at a laundry mat? Did your washer come with the house? Mine occasionally gets a sock stuck and spits it out q couple of loads later..

  3. You picked up random laundry when you lived in the apartment complex. Duh. you’ve moved so much, it’s hard to know that it isn’t yours or your wifes with all the packing and unpacking.

  4. If it turns out to be an innocent thing where it’s your parent or niece’s stuff.. ignore my next conspiracy theory..

    What if.. the Sock belonged to your wife’s secret lover.. and when you figured it out.. she needed an easy way out of the marriage so she can be with this hunk of a man.. so she went out and bought some new clothes and planted them in the laundry so she could blame YOU

    ooooh… the plot thickens… let’s see how this unfolds.. (pun intended)


    <honestly man.. how the hell can anyone here help you with this? I can see needing to vent..but this one seems to be cut and dry.. the clothes either belong to one of the other humans you are living with or my theory becomes really plausible>

  5. I accidentally picked up some clothes that were left in my apartment complexs washer or dryer. Some undies and a shirt and a random kids sock. I had absolutely no idea i did this. I was doing a massive wash before i packed up and moved to my new house. Fast forward to a few weeks ago when i went into my suitcases to pack for a trip i found clothes i hadnt seen since i moved here…. over a year ago. I thought that we must of lost a box on the highway or something. Lol my point is you could of picked them up anywhere. Especially if you share that washer and dryer with anyone else. These things just happen sometimes. Now if its at your home and you randomly pull out some panties from his laundry after his business trip…. then yes its time for some questions

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