So I (24F) met this guy (29M) and he told me that he’s interested in me and wants to date me one day in hopes of getting into a relationship with me. I communicated in the very beginning that I wasn’t ready for a relationship but I was down to getting to know him and just going with the flow and stuff…..
I feel like I’m ready to actually date him now like he wanted… do I bring the conversation up? Do I let him bring it up? I’m so confused on what to do. I don’t want to seem pushy

  1. Never assume exclusivity, it is something that should always be verbally confirmed. And also don’t wait for the other person to bring things up, cause they might never do it, especially in the situation where you are the one, who has set the pace for this relationship by telling him you’re not ready, so he has to respect your wishes of just going with the flow, which kinda means not asking about exclusivity.

  2. always communicate especially for important things like this! never ever assume xx

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