I feel like I’m the only man to only now notice the Alpha madness spreading through social media. When did this become a thing and you support it?

  1. Depends. Do I support men being assertive? Yes. Do I support men being responsible for their life? Yes. Do I support men focusing on their financial security? Yes. Do I support men not to be controlled / manipulated by their little penis (and thus women)? Yes. Do I support men focusing on their hobbies & interests and women can either come & go (because your life is already fine & filled without them)? Yes. Do I support men to be truthful? Yes. Do I support men holding to their beliefs & morality instead of selling them out because someone else ha a problem with it? Yes. .Do I support men handling their obligations & responsibilities they agreed to take on ? Yes. Do I support men not being chicken little? Yes.


    Is that what it means to be “Alpha”? I don’t fucking know and don’t particularly care. If it’s a silly catch phrase / word that encapsulates the above – fine I guess.

  2. No idea what this is. Get off Twitter and touch the grass. It’s not as prevalent as you believe.

  3. I just find it kind of silly. You know who *doesn’t* go on social media and brag about being “alpha”? Real alphas.

  4. You mean like the sigma male grind-set stuff?

    🤷‍♂️ i don’t really care. So long as it’s not harming people.

  5. I don’t support it. I found that it’s mostly code for the male equivalent of queen, which is a red flag when meeting women

  6. “Pick Up Artists” and self-help swindlers preying on the mentally weak predate the internet.

    Same shit, new medium and new terminology.

  7. The thing existed well before social media. I generally don’t care unless they do something funny or have that catches my radar. Like the stuff that happened with jack Murphy earlier in the year was pretty funny in the car crash way

  8. It was always there, in the past people just called it being a “real man” and other things. It’s nothing more than a combination of narcissism, primitivity, shallowness, stupidity and aggression.

  9. It’s just the latest snake oil being sold to insecure young men.

    Put it in the same category as “Pick Up Artists” “Diet pills” “Get shredded with this one simple trick” “Penis Enlargement Pills”

    Marketing products is about fear, fear of not being enough, fear of living without the product, fear of not being cool, fear of romantic rejection, etc.

  10. Like…. 15 years back? Anyway, it’s been dumb as hell the entire time.

  11. I’d disagree. Males are just shit on for being male. If you’re not a sensitive LGBTQ+ supporting bisexual feminist you’re canceled. Quit being dramatic.

  12. Lol, this stuff has been rampant on the internet for more than a decade! Stop using Internet Explorer.

  13. Meh. It’s based on research into lower mammals that has largely been debunked, and not studied in primates.

    If such a thing as an Alpha Male exists, and you’re worried about it, I got some news for ya sugar tits. You aren’t it.

    Some of these places talk about financial security, fortifying your body and mind, and problems unique to men. Nothing wrong with any of that.

    Then there’s some twisted, off the deep end stuff out there that wants to blame all their problems on women.

    As with anything on the internet, take the good and the useful, and leave the rest. Stay out of the echo chambers, and enhance critical thought. We all walk our own path. Do not try to walk someone else’s.

  14. I would need a working definition of “Alpha madness” before i could answer. What I would say, as an old who remembers being a man before the internet existed, I can tell you that a lot of the “Mr. Tough Guy” bullshit has always been around. The internet just amplified it. As a rule, if someone tells you that they are “alpha” they are very much not alpha. Just like if someone tries to convince you that they are good with their hands (fighting) they are most likely not at all good with their hands.

  15. It’s just the closest dudebros with a mental age of 12 or fewer years can come to describing respectable men. It couldn’t be much farther if they tried, and has no value.

  16. Male influencer version of horoscopes. “I can be a sadistic arsehole because I’m an alpha, you betas just wouldn’t understand.”

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