I.e. how often do you call your SO beautiful/handsome? Or mention that they look good that day, or mention how much you like their ass/tits/cock etc. Do you find it difficult or uncomfortable to deliver compliments?

  1. every time i see her I compliment her looks and her ass lol

    I see her like 2 max 3 times a week so quite balanced

  2. Several times a day. Not difficult if it’s sincere. And you’ll need to say it in a way she appreciates.

  3. Every time she accomplishes something she gets praise. Did she clean the grease off the wall in the kitchen? Praise. Did she bake a cake? Praise. Did she teach the kid something new? Praise. Did she sell the last three mature date palms? Praise.

    Celebrate her accomplishments and reinforce her chosen purpose. It’s way bigger than just calling her pretty.

  4. Complimenting people is definitely not my strong suit. Just not how I show affection.

  5. Every day just with comments like, you must have finished your period because you don’t smell as bad as yesterday or that top looks nice because it hides your second chin and in all honesty this is how we speak to each other and have done for years, and it’s not ever meant with venom just dark sarcastic humour.

  6. I’m talking with a few girls on apps, and complimenting women is a very fine balance between expressing my feelings and intentions and making sure she doesn’t feel objectified

    The feelings of sexual attraction early on are powerful and I need to mute them until they are matched, and make sure to get to know her mind as well

  7. Everyday probably 20 times a day reasonably. It’s the easiest thing I do in a day. I love her.

  8. My wife’s love language is words of affirmation while mine is acts of service. It is a challenge for me but I try to send 1 compliment a day.

    I just look up websites for compliments and try to not send the cheesy ones. I also just try to say things like “wow, good job.” “I’m proud of you.” “That was hard work, yay for sticking with it.”

    If I had to put a number, it may be between 5-10 complements a day. It really is not natural for me and it’s hard to keep doing it, but I do it anyways.

  9. I call my SO beautiful/gorgeous daily. I mention they look good whenever I see them heading out. I don’t find it uncomfortable, it’s coming from the heart.

  10. I try to thank and compliment people often. It’s a principle of mine – tell people how what they mean to me – as a result I compliment my SO often on a variety of things.

  11. Not at all I literally try to compliment her as often I can (even if it’s not relating to her looks). Makes me happy to see her smile. 🙂

  12. Everyday I remind my wife she is beautiful. If she is watching TV and a hot babe shows up (Like Christina Hendricks) I will compliment hot babe relative to her. I E Me: Christina Hendricks is the 2nd most beautiful woman in the world.
    Her: Who is the first?
    Me: You.

  13. When I’m in a relationship, I try to compliment them regularly. Sometimes because I just wanna say it, sometimes because I know a nice compliment can make someone’s day.

  14. I only compliment her when I genuinely feel something looks great to me or she does something above and beyond. With no exceptions

    Side note: if you find it difficult to find a reason or uncomfortable to compliment your SO often than something needs to change. Either you need to stop being an asshole because your SO deserves better or you need to find a new SO because you deserve better.

  15. I compliment the parts I know she is self-conscious about and make sure to kiss every part of her face when I have the chance. It’s the small compliments that mean the most. Just walk past your partner and stop look at them and when they ask “what?” just say that you were enjoying the view. It’s not that hard. It does take constant effort and conscientiousness, but at the end of the day it’s just one of those things that you have to do for your partner. Especially if your partner struggles with self esteem and image issues like mine has. If you’re not comfortable with giving compliments, start small. Especially if they know you struggle with that, that would mean the world to them. Otherwise just give them flowers or give them food. Love languages differ and you need to know your partner’s.

  16. Definitely daily, whether its something specific physically, something generic about her or about her personality.

  17. A dozen times a day or more. I used to focus on looks but now try to focus on personality traits, creativity, intelligence, discipline etc . I still compliment her physical traits too if course.

  18. Any single opportunity I can find to compliment my wife I will take it. I love to dote on her and make sure she knows how lucky I feel to be with her.

  19. My wife look very similar to Fairuza Balk (The water boy, American History X). Similar height and build, same piercing blue eyes and big bright smile.

    I…. look like Shrek. The ogre version nor the Non ogre version.

    I compliment her often, daily, multiple times a day. She also works out regularly. At 42 years old she is often mistaken for her late 20s (lately most people guess 27). She’s in great shape, strong looking not a body builder like Chyna, but carys herself very well. A friend of mine described her as “very well put together”.

    I…. look like Shrek except I Have hair.

    So you better believe I tell her daily how stunning she is.

  20. I dated a girl for 6 years and she was dissatisfied with the few times I complimented her. I found it difficilt to genuinely compliment her more than I was doing at tue time.

    I didn’t think she was generally attractive so I couldn’t call her pretty except maybe a handful of times over the years we were together.

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