Not only the names of the variety of breads, but also measuring units, specific tools/processes used for breadmaking that may be unknown elsewhere etc. For instance, in Italy a loaf of bread from the local bakery is usually called “quartino”

  1. There is an ongoing friendly argument between British people from different regions over what a small loaf of bread is called- variations include roll, bap, cop, batch loaf, bun etc

  2. Germany can’t agree on what to call a simple wheat roll (Wecke, Semmel, Rundstück…).

  3. We have too many words for the endings of a loaf. In my corner of Lower Saxony we call it “Knuus” (the K is not silent, dear English speakers).

  4. Not all of Italy… Personally, it’s the first time I heard it, in the north quartino is almost only for wine

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