Hello, I’ve been reading some comments on another sub about how a person who have never dated is a red flag, so I want to know: Is a 30+ year old man who has never had any kind of romantic relationship, nor intimacy, a red flag? Yes? No? Why? It depends? Would you still be willing to date someone like that or would it be a waste of your time?

  1. Humans are social creatures so it is a tad odd for one to not date someone by 30+ but I don’t think it always justifies a red flag. Some people might like to be alone or they are just batshit weird

  2. Not a red flag. You don’t always have to ask about past relationships anyway.

  3. Well, yes. It’s usually a signal that there is something about that person that’s made him unable to approach anyone. Which could include being creepy, excessively socially awkward, having a mental disorder or warped thoughts (like incels), and etc.

    Obviously this is NOT always the case. There are sympathetic reasons why someone wouldn’t have dated by that age, such as shyness and bad luck, or even praise worthy reasons, such as having to take care of a parent or being highly driven to pursue their career.

    How much tolerance a person will have for you depends on the individual, and the reasons they may reject you or even see that as comforting are just as variable.

  4. Do you think it’s “normal” to be that age and having never got close with someone ? It is of course not even close to the average persons experience and when it comes so easily to the majority of people , people will wonder how the fuck you managed to do that

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