what is that thing which others can do easily, but is hard for you?

  1. Speaking to people, social skills and maintaining conversations are some of the most difficult skills to master and everyone telling otherwise don’t exist

  2. I have ADHD.

    Literally everything.

    Edit: Most of the replies are bullshit, go to r/ADHD if you want to understand.

  3. Multitask. I am very good at focusing on one thing and doing it well, but I cannot for the life of me do two things at once. Not even simple things like talk and cook. I’ve been this way all my life (gradually getting worse the older I get though) and it can be incredibly frustrating/difficult at times but I just accept it as a genetic flaw, I have plenty of strengths to balance it out.

  4. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. 9-5 is tiring as fuck for me but easy for everyone somehow

  5. Read, my brain just doesn’t function in a way that I can read with any amount of speed.

    I can solve a math problem faster than I can read.

  6. Getting drunk: why keep drinking if you’re already drunk? . Why would i want to wake up hungover? With Back-pain, a headache and a sick stomach?

  7. School… I was never a good student even though I tried. One of my professors in college actually told me “Mike you’re a great guy, but a terrible student” and I’ll never forget that 😅

  8. Followdirections. I’m not lazy for fuck asks I just cant do it. There been times people dont listen and assume I’m lazy or making excuses and then unload a ton I’d directions and get confused at how extremely off base I was like they’re not the jackass that fucking ignored me

  9. Put my thoughts into clear logical sentences without having to think about it for a long time

  10. Focus/concentrate, having ADD really sucks. I hate how chronically online people have made ADD/ADHD this cute, fun little thing when it’s not at all.

  11. Date / “Talk” to multiple people at the same time. I get that’s basically what dating is, but I can’t wrap my head around the idea of how am I supposed to develop feelings for anyone while trying to entertain multiple people at once?

  12. Measure and cut precisely
    The amount of times ive cut a length of wood and it’s short is quite honestly embarrassing 🤦🏼‍♂️

  13. Socializing and forgetting the past. I’m still bothered by my mistakes I made a looooong time ago.

  14. Doors. I’m so fucking bad at doors. Opening doors, closing doors, locking doors, unlocking doors. I’m just bad at doors.

    If I can’t open a door because it feels locked or stuck, the person I call for help opens it immediately and effortlessly.

    If I’m sneaking around when and where I shouldn’t, I try so hard to stealth close the door and it always goes wrong somehow.

    I’ve left my house keys in the door overnight far too many times.

    And on, and on, and on. I find myself saying “fuck I’m bad at doors” at least five times a week.

    It might be karma; as a kid, my “temper tantrum” power move was to slam my bedroom door. It got to a point where my parents said fuck it, and took away my door. After a year or so they put it back on, but I had already mangled the handle so the door just had a circular hole and never stayed shut. I closed the door by putting a chair in front of it.

    I’ve always been bad at doors…

  15. Go more than one or two days with the same energy. I’m constantly changing from hyperactive, to depressed, to cool and suave and it’s tiring

  16. Riding a bike. Like, no one ever showed me how when I was a kid and so that was a skill I never picked up.

    I had one laying around somewhere that I’ve tried to teach myself on here and there over the last few years but I’d keep losing balance!

    Family joked it was like Frasier learning how to ride one 😂

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