I’ve always gotten along great with guys (as well as girls) for some reason. I hear so many people say that a guy and a girl can’t just be friends without any tension. Well, I get the idea and I agree in some ways (if there is mutual attraction) but also disagree. I only find myself becoming really tight with a guy (with no chance of it becoming anything else) if there is zero attraction on my end and the friend can at least respect that (and preferably feels the same way about me). I have two close guy friends that are both coworkers and one of them especially is a really dear friend. I could never, ever find myself attracted to him. I love him as a friend but that’s it, he might as well be my brother because the idea of getting with him grosses me out just as much. There is just ZERO sexual/romantic chemistry and that’s why we work so well as friends. Now here’s my real question, I just started dating a new guy and I like him a lot but like we JUST started dating so I haven’t told him that I have guy friends yet and he hasn’t asked. He met me at work, and saw the dynamic I have with my male coworkers, and didn’t seem to care in the least. But I’ve also dated guys who insisted that I can’t even be remotely friends with any guys. I think that’s a toxic mentality though. What does Reddit think? I’m not about to drop my friends, I just want to know what I can expect I guess.

Edit: removed a few sentences because I felt they were too identifying

  1. If a guy is turned off by a woman that has friends, that guy has control issues.

  2. “Reddit” seems to think that we all are perverts with zero morals and even less self control, so you might get terrible answers.

    In the end, if your BF has seen you interact with your friend and hasn’t commented, you can ask for **his** opinion, since it’s the only one that really counts. It would actually be the healthiest to have this conversation now.

  3. The issue usually comes from how close. If a guy is coming and spending the night at your house or your going out alot just the 2 of you yeah guys arnt gonna like that. But in most cases having friends that are guys then it’s usually fine.

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